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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. a monster called piamette..
  2. Old times... The person below me has a tattoo on his/her body
  3. Love puff puff~ -Da Vinci from Phi brain

  4. YESH! Egg Cracklets! The person below me has morning routine.
  5. 1133
  6. yesh! i feel lazy right now! The person below me has homeworks...
  7. NICE NICE NICE XD Me too i wanna join soon =P
  8. 1125!
  9. People dont always need advise. Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold, ear to listen and heart to understand.
  10. ahahah! Yesh! (good morning XD) I fell asleep last night while doin school stuff in my laptop LOL! The person below me stays w/ his/her parents.
  11. hahah! Yesh!! XD The person below me has bangs!
  12. I miss someone but that someone dont miss me. LOL!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      yush u need more cereal >:3, cuz ur always cereal about school:p

    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      @ScarletDevilmoon: Cereal nomnom!

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Mhm imagine coffee flavored cereal * w *

  13. 1121!
  14. Teleport at dunot field and
  15. NAH.. I just take a bath while ago The person below me likes bittermelon.
  16. XD ei? NAH!! The person below me has dimples. (who has dimples?)
  17. i guess i need to answer my puzzle.. lets convert 20 to roman numeral = XX. ​so.. XX - 22 then roman numeral X is equal to 10. 10- 2 = 8. XX - 22 = 88.^0^
  18. Talking to an old friend makes you realize how much your life has changed.
  19. .. 1113!
  20. a small island named..
  21. Nah! This time.. I hate Saturdays! My busiest day in school.. (morning until evening) gimme a break =.= The person below likes spongebob!
  22. LOL ^0^ other answers?
  23. Nah.. I haven't tried yet.. The person below me is lazy..
  24. Share Puzzles, lets see others answers ^0^ ________________________________________ Explain how did 20-22 = 88.
  25. CHeeese.. Jerry likes It! The person below me likes puzzles.
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