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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. ​446!
  2. Nap cigarettes or liqour
  3. ^-^ NOP! The person below me is waiting for new updates
  4. Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online ^0^
  5. cold woe or gvg
  6. A Silent Fcity~

    1. ScarletDevilmoon
    2. zxcv


      no one is moving lol

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      lol well they're being statues for today

  7. hahah! never tried! The person below me laughs like crazy
  8. Yesh but I'll go sleep now.. The person below me wants to play poringball!
  9. LOL! hmm.. a punch to the face? lie or steal
  10. hmm.. i guess? The person below me is inlove~
  11. Sembreak.. I think.. Hmmm

  12. purple laptop or desktop?
  13. Im i happy? o.o hmm The person below me tried to commit suicide.
  14. Taylor Swift girl or boy
  15. yeah? The person below me thinks about foods!
  16. :) chocolate or vanilla
  17. hmm.. dunno XD The person below me goes to the net shop to play games..XD
  18. EI? O.O FALSE. The person below me brings her/his laptop in school.
  19. All gms... that would be COOL!
  20. decision 1! Cake or pie
  21. Nope! The person below me wakes early morning.
  22. LOL! idk? The person below me is working.
  23. You ShoulD! ^0^
  24. gosh! T_T sadly .. thats a false The person below me plays brawl busters...
  25. Alexei Baxter the clown wearing the sun aura there am i right?
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