from the Sega MEgadrive, E123-Omega was not created, if you want ill show you all the pictures of Metal Sonic as the games went on
only problem is, i cant find them
Sonic the Hedgehog 1: a Robot that can fly and looks nothing like Sonic at all
Sonic and Tails:a Silver Robot and its spines spin around inside its head. can do what sonic does
Sonic and Knuckles: the Common seen Robot, known as Metal Sonic its dark blue and can manipulate the Powers of the Master Emerald.
Sonic Heroes onwards: you've probally seen
*EDIT* i found a picture, the 1st Four are from Sonic Megadrive games, the 1st from Sonic 2, the 2nd and 3rd are from Sonic and Knuckles, 2nd before the Chaos Emerald, the 4th is from one of the knew Sonic Games