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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. Blaze

    Emy's Gallery

    <3 Emy, i doubt you've remembered me from ages ago. how have you been? good i hope
  2. one comment on the one you made for Kusangi, would be more helpful with a Pre-made picture of Hollow Ichigo, not a self-Drawn, the Pre-made has more Detail and is more Workable with in terms of Color, Self-Drawn sure you can edit quickly but doesnt quite show what your looking for. if you want to see a good Pre-made Hollow Ichigo, ask Nitemare92, he's very skilled but still good for a Drawn one. 9/10
  3. Blaze

    Davee's GFX Works!

    nice Signatures but i must ask, why is your World of Warcraft signature have a Draenei in it? why not an Undead or a Blood Elf? much more Popular
  4. the only thing i have to say yet again is that i hope that the people that are Chosen do they're job RIGHT or the Server will suffer, and nobody wants that
  5. if you had a Preview for your work then maybe people would take you up on that offer..
  6. Good Luck to everyone that is Applying, i hope that someone Worthy of the Position is picked or it will be irrititating to see them do their Job completely Wrong and letting the Server Suffer for it
  7. Blaze


    the point that it may make them seriously in pain everytime they go up/down stairs, run, Toilet Problems, aswell as showing that what they brag about how big it is, they Lie
  8. Blaze

    Fable 2

    true but still, it gets repetitive and slowly annoying...
  9. dont go off-topic Kusanagi... if you aint gonna post a Sig then dont post *im not Posting a Sig but im just telling a new person NOT to randomally put something about Rivalry*
  10. Blaze

    Fable 2

    BAD NEWS! my friend has Fable 2 and its rather a major Let-down, so many Glitches and the Storyline is soooo short, you can complete it within 1 - 2 Hours.
  11. i know, i watch the Shows and his Full Form isnt shown in the fiorst training section, its shown later on once he is fighting the Bounto, after that he gets down again because he misses it and its been months since the accident. so they take him down to the Training area to fight him, they go too far and IChigo's Hollow side takes over and this time he couldn't break out and he turned into that, soon he returns to himself after Renji smashing his mask *quick Edit* i havent seen it but i watch it quite alot and im at Episode 97 at the moment, the Abova is just a guess..
  12. First Boss from DMC4, and Greed is the New Joker =P Playing games andw atching movies now has its advantages ^^
  13. person on the right = Ichigo Kurosaki, a Shingiami from the Anime Show Bleach, thats his Hollow side's Mask, but his full version is to be seen later on. 10/10 Nightmare, very good work ^^
  14. y'know what, nevermind making it theres no need to do it anymore
  15. its Warriors Orochi my fav chars: Ranmaru Mori Nobunaga Oda Mitsuhidei Akechi Zhao Yun Gan Ning *1st three are from the Samurai Warriors games which are made by the same people*
  16. hey guys, ive looked at alot of Thread and people said that nobody does any work unless the picture is Rendered, i have a Picture which is slightly rendered and i wish for a Signiture to be made out of it Theme: Your choice Text: Death is not the End Pic: Name*in top right hand corner*: Blaze
  17. Blaze

    Fable 2

    i WOULD get Fable 2 if i had a 360 -_\\\
  18. Blaze

    [ C&C ] Request.

    i like it, but most of all its cheeky =P 9/10, kind of hard to see the text near the Sprites for me but maybe its because im tired as hell....meh
  19. Blaze


    well, Pokemon is slightly ok, i've only had Saphire and Pearl, nothing else since i didnt have much money. the best pokemon i like in terms of looks is the Blue Squirrel in Pearl, in terms of everything else then Tyranadar is my choice ^^
  20. from the Sega MEgadrive, E123-Omega was not created, if you want ill show you all the pictures of Metal Sonic as the games went on only problem is, i cant find them Sonic the Hedgehog 1: a Robot that can fly and looks nothing like Sonic at all Sonic and Tails:a Silver Robot and its spines spin around inside its head. can do what sonic does Sonic and Knuckles: the Common seen Robot, known as Metal Sonic its dark blue and can manipulate the Powers of the Master Emerald. Sonic Heroes onwards: you've probally seen *EDIT* i found a picture, the 1st Four are from Sonic Megadrive games, the 1st from Sonic 2, the 2nd and 3rd are from Sonic and Knuckles, 2nd before the Chaos Emerald, the 4th is from one of the knew Sonic Games
  21. if you want ill send you one of me via. MSN ok? *lol dont ask, it shuts him up*
  22. on the Sega Megadrive? when its only Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose?
  23. because nobody is that stupid/desperate Icarus...
  24. Blaze


    played it when i was young, got a high level, account got hacked, Battleon = Epic Fail
  25. the "Robot" thing your reffering to is either Metal Sonic or Robo Sonic, Robo Sonic is in Sonic 1 and Sonic and Tails, the rest is Metal Sonic
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