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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. Hey, i have recently encountered two of my friends have a break-up. one is completely ignoring the other and the one i know more of the two, is completely Suicidal. i've told her that Love is nothing to throw your life away for. it comes and goes, nobody's love is perfect. and she completely ignored me and went off, i left a few messages saying that if she takes the Coward's way out then all the Respect your family and friends have for you will be gone and never return, taking that way out is just for people who think there is only one true Love, THERE ISNT one true love, there is NONE. you make it what you want. Anyways, i'm hoping for some feedback from everyone here to see if i was making a good point or was just being a tad pushy.
  2. good luck to everyone who Applies and hope we get some good GM's / Forum Mods xD
  3. very nice, thank you. is it possible to get a Avatar version aswell?
  4. Billy Talent - Rusted in the Rain
  5. Halo 3 is NOT the end of the Halo Franchise, their bringing out Halo 3 : ODST and Halo : Reach ODST is where you play as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST) you don't have a shield and you can carry slightly more ammo, the game is mostly based on Points which are used for Upgrades and such, Halo : Reach, nobody knows about yet.
  6. Hey everyone, i have just recently enjoyed some Vampire Movies and books and have always wanted a Signature and an Avatar of one. this Picture i found whilst Googling Vampire. Nothing too fancy, just the name Blaze in the Avatar and Signature. also, would it be possible to black and white with bright red eyes?
  7. meh, im my opinion *may not be the best but oh welll* is to NOT get involved with anyone unless you absolutely feel the need to. if you have no need to date that person then ignore them, sure they'll get hurt but that is none of your concern. and no, im not a User. i don't use people for the things i need and the minority of men i went out with are still good friends with me Arent we, Yus?
  8. Blaze

    Ar Tonelico

    URL Pl0x?
  9. that would be wierd and very annoying to others. so no item which makes you look like an NPC/GM
  10. YAYZ ^^ cant wait, thatnkies Lenikins and thankies Graphics Team! ^^ your the best
  11. i'm still waiting on my Tails and Ears >.>, they're a good idea and it'd be fun ^^
  12. right, thanks Sorrow but one problem i dont know wher to get most of those cards. i know where to get Abysmal but thats about it. what is FBH and Gloom. Sidewinder i assume by its name is a snake. and Minourus is a Minotar again, by its name. and i can do the quest to get DEX belt but i cant afford to get a Donation DEX belt.
  13. right, i have 4x Abysmal Knight and +10 Morgraine Set, +10 Rudra Bow *using for Lvling/PvP* and Unfrozen Thief's Clothes on, two questions 1. what is an MvP Bow? *assuming it has 4 Slots* 2. would it be possible to get a more precise Stat Breakdown?
  14. the title says it all, i'm looking for a good, Balanced MvP Hunting Build for a Stalker, also what i should have equipped and *if slotted* what cards to put in. relatively simple.
  15. i would probably say a new "Tail" series, like FOx tails and Cat tails, and wolf tails. etc. etc. it'd be funny and also to go with the tails, new ears to make characters look more cute ^^
  16. i see that you've kept the Raziel idea. good on you. i'm glad you stuck to the deal and used him as a Basic outline.
  17. Blaze

    My Drawings

    EDIT: nevermind, those Pictures sucked
  18. Zasalamel is my favorite becuase of his back story, shortly followed by Tira as she has two Ego's
  19. Blaze

    Retail WoW

    just got 55 B elf Rogue n turned into DK, Blood is good for Solo-Lvling so meh, i also got a gd Talent Calculator to see which is best =P Blood Talent Tree i've found best: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jfEMqh0Isf0zzAo and Drakul, that isnt how you make a DK. you start in The Archerus and do the History of serving the Lich King then become a Knight of the Ebon Blade. not go straight into the game, they've also changed the looks of the Runes, the starter gear and the Swords. etc. etc. etc.
  20. hey, i have another Request for ya Yeung or anyone that wishes to participate. i wish to have a Signature with these Swords The Ashbringer Corrupted Ashbringer both are in these Pictures, *bottom Two* the top two are Thunderfury, Blessed Sword of the Windseeker i would like the Text to say "Power Only Corrupts the ones who let it"
  21. woot for ZoTE, that was a brilliant game... number two was kinda fun but number one you could never beat ^^
  22. Blaze

    Emy's Gallery

    not that joke again... -_\\\ Mudkip SUCKS!
  23. Blaze

    Emy's Gallery

    why Pokemon? im not saying its a bad game, its quite fun but have the Newest ones, not old ones
  24. i still cant thank you enough for the Toshiro Hitsugaya Sig n Avvy, they're so good and im sure you worked really hard, im still trying to sell my Halloween Candies so i can get you something but nobody seems to buy them ='[ if you want, you could have them for Free as Payment, if not then ill work to get you something good ^^
  25. super Mario Sunshine was crap! it was the Japanese/Chinese way to try and get us into the Environment which was a Failed try. and NOTHING is more retarded then a talking Pump named FLUDD
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