Things Added:
- Exclusive ForsakenRO Rucksacks:
These Rucksacks, much like the Emperium Aurora recolors, are exclusive to us. You will not find these on any other server they were specifically made ( by Mac ) for us and only us. To combat recent Chargeback fees we will be making 4 of these Available for 1 week via donation starting Monday 3/10/2009!
- Exclusive ForsakenRO Emperium Auroras:
These Aurora recolors are exclusive to ForsakenRO, no other server has them ( if you see them on another server, please report it to me for they are stolen! ). These are to be added over time as we enable more and more castles!
- Exclusive ForsakenRO EDP/YGG/Donation/Event/Vote Tickets Added:
Once again, these are exclusive to us, no other server has them and were specifically and exclusively made for us. I hope this will make them more attractive and easier to recognize.
- European WoE Castle Added ( gefg_cas01 )
- European WoE starter added for Friday from 10 AM to 11 AM server time.
- Timer for European/American WoE added! This will prevent American castles from being enabled during European WoE and vise versa. (*still in testing*)
- Green Emperium Aurora added to European Castle.
- Leafring Rucksack added to European Castle. I think we can all agree our Euro players have been in the dark for a while, it's time they had a fighting chance!
- Emperium Aurora Place Holders removed! Please note that your investments in your castle's economy will remain unaffected.
- Orange Emperium Aurora Added (payg_cas04 ).
- Blue Emperium Aurora redesigned( prtg_cas03 )*Still in testing, may be reverted back*.
- Purple Emperium Aurora Fixed/Added ( aldeg_cas02 ) * We fixed this, it was dropped the Green Emperium Aurora*
- Green Emperium Aurora Added. ( gef_cas01 )
- European WoE Guardian/Archer/Soldier were given standard castle buffs to make WoE much more interesting.
- Scheduled Maintenance will happen on 3/9/2009. Details here: