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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...20&start=20
  2. Full credit for the sprites/recolors goes to Mac: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showuser=4976 He's the real genius.
  3. Comments regarding these new addons are always welcome.
  4. Please wait till the new additions are done ( after WoE ) then report any bugs. =]
  5. Note: Scheduled to be added/released after WoE.
  6. Things Added: - Exclusive ForsakenRO Rucksacks: These Rucksacks, much like the Emperium Aurora recolors, are exclusive to us. You will not find these on any other server they were specifically made ( by Mac ) for us and only us. To combat recent Chargeback fees we will be making 4 of these Available for 1 week via donation starting Monday 3/10/2009! - Exclusive ForsakenRO Emperium Auroras: These Aurora recolors are exclusive to ForsakenRO, no other server has them ( if you see them on another server, please report it to me for they are stolen! ). These are to be added over time as we enable more and more castles! - Exclusive ForsakenRO EDP/YGG/Donation/Event/Vote Tickets Added: Once again, these are exclusive to us, no other server has them and were specifically and exclusively made for us. I hope this will make them more attractive and easier to recognize. - European WoE Castle Added ( gefg_cas01 ) - European WoE starter added for Friday from 10 AM to 11 AM server time. - Timer for European/American WoE added! This will prevent American castles from being enabled during European WoE and vise versa. (*still in testing*) - Green Emperium Aurora added to European Castle. - Leafring Rucksack added to European Castle. I think we can all agree our Euro players have been in the dark for a while, it's time they had a fighting chance! - Emperium Aurora Place Holders removed! Please note that your investments in your castle's economy will remain unaffected. - Orange Emperium Aurora Added (payg_cas04 ). - Blue Emperium Aurora redesigned( prtg_cas03 )*Still in testing, may be reverted back*. - Purple Emperium Aurora Fixed/Added ( aldeg_cas02 ) * We fixed this, it was dropped the Green Emperium Aurora* - Green Emperium Aurora Added. ( gef_cas01 ) - European WoE Guardian/Archer/Soldier were given standard castle buffs to make WoE much more interesting. - Scheduled Maintenance will happen on 3/9/2009. Details here: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...=10792&st=0
  7. On 3/8/2009 there will be a network Maintenance, during this time you mighty d/c once or twice and is scheduled to begin anytime between 12~ 4 in the morning ( server time ). Among other things, the server time will be fixed. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.
  8. Genesis

    I Need Help

    Give it 10 minutes then try again.
  9. We could disable kills there permanently.
  10. Bingo. What more could you want than getting the gameplay changed to fit your view(s)?
  11. Nope.
  12. Genesis

    fRo Ventrilo

    Suggestions on slots please. Also, what is the max at the moment?
  13. Genesis

    fRo Ventrilo

    You need to pay for any amount. If the ventrilo needs expansion I'll add some more. Any suggestions as to size?
  14. Nope.
  15. The server isn't 2 years old, it never spawned. It might soon.
  16. Genesis


    Zoids was so awesome... I remember getting up at 6 AM ( when it aired ) just to see it.
  17. We have 350 + on average and 450 + during WoE. ( this does not include venders ) Enjoy your stay!
  18. Approved next update.
  19. Genesis


    All I know is that the flame thrower works great on japs.
  20. Genesis

    Help plz

    Screenshot please, don't quite understand.
  21. How's it going? =]

  22. 9 and a half to be precise.

  23. Genesis

    Mix Belts B.

    People don't realize they are allowed in Non-Donation.
  24. Back on topic, and for the love of God keep it in your pants.
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