Things Added:
- 3 New Winged Rucksacks. ( Thank you Leni )
- Due to recent chargeback fees, we've added the above 3 rucksacks to the donation Page. These are called Winged Drops, Winged Marin, and Winged Poporing. This offer begins on 5/18/2009 and ends on 5/25/2009 after which they will not be available until a use is found for them. They can be found here:
- Old Rucksack Special removed
- Flower Ring Added to the Vote NPC.
- Drops Party Hat Added to the voting NPC and it's effect has been enabled.
- Party Poporing Hat effect disabled ( it was long past due ).
- Code cleanup of the Forsaken King Room NPCs insuring a full transaction ( not just a partial one ).
- Work on the Website side auction system begun!
- Work on a private Guild Hideout begun!
- 5 New Loading Screens Added to assist players with everyday tasks/problems ( Thank you Ethereal ).
- Place Holders for Imperial Valkyrie Helms added! ( Now every enabled castle will have an exclusive Valkyrie Helm to it not just Prontera ! )
- 8 New Exhange NPC Tickets added. ( Thank you [GM]Shield )
- EDP Ticket redone.
- Berry Ticket redone.
- Seed Ticket redone.
- Speed Potion Ticket added to the Exchange NPC ( interchangeable )!
- Box of Storm Ticket added to the Exchange NPC ( interchangeable )!
- Full Chemical Protection Ticket added to the Exchange NPC ( interchangeable )!
- Cursed Water Ticket added to the Exchange NPC ( interchangeable )!
- Authoritative Badge Ticket added to the Exchange NPC ( interchangeable )!
- Gold and Purple Emperium Auroras have been changed and re released.
-New GM suit sprites added.