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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. What does it say? It should give you an error message like... "You do not have enough Vote Coupons." or something like that? Screenshot what it says so I can try to help ya =]
  2. If you have any questions/comments feel free to post and ask while I'm here xP
  3. Lower yes. It's for that very reason, to give people that cannot afford Rucksacks ingame ( currently anyways ) a chance. =]
  4. Ignore the new Emperium Auroras those are for something else. :cool: I also added the effect of the hip ribbon which is: + 5% walking speed + 5 all stats 1 slot.
  5. Things Added: - 4 New Mythical Flame Aurora Recolors. - 4 New Mythical Flame Auroras Added! - Imperial Valkyrie Helm place holders removed. Every Guild now has a working and exclusive Imperial Valkyrie Helm. - Green Mythical Aurora added. - Purple Mythical Aurora added. - Gold Mythical Aurora added. - Orange Mythical Aurora added. - Old Rucksack Special removed. - New GvG Prizes! - As stated above, apart from the regular prizes for GvG, Guild that have won GvG will have the option of accepting a Guild vs Guild Certificate or allowing them ( over time ) to exchange them for these new prizes. For 8 Guild Certificates you can trade them for either a White Rucksack or a Teal Rucksack. - 4 new Vote Reward Items added. Effect: + 5% walking speed + 5 all stats 1 slot. - Black Hip Ribbon added. - Green Hip Ribbon added. - Pink Hip Ribbon added. - White Hip Ribbon added. - Yellow Hip Ribbon added. - White Hip Ribbon added. - @noask enabled, this command will help prevent people from spamming you with invites/requests. - Work on the Forsaken Auction System nearly complete! - Current Progress on Guild Hide Out: 1. Private PvP Room Completed. 2. Private Disguise System completed. 3. Private Full Buffer completed. 4. Guild Leader Control Center Completed. 5. Private Broadcast NPC Completed. 6. Private Butler System completed. 7. Global Pass work begun. 8. Temporary Guild Hideout Pass work begun. As always all these privates are copyrighted and exclusive to us and only us. Full Credit to our new addition Ophelia!
  6. Jajaja, Mac eres un "party animal" xP

  7. Well, it sort of comes with the territory. I'd suggest you use /where ( it'll tell you your specific location ) then type @go 25. When you are ready to go back type @warp *insertmapnamehere* *first coord here* *second cord here* and it'll warp you right back to where you were. I know it's sort of hard to do once you first start but once you get stronger it becomes tons and tons of fun. :cool:
  8. It's not a signature. It's in my "About Me" page, and to answer your question yes; it is supah srs bzns.

  9. Hola mac como andas! :D

  10. Genesis


    Superb Idea. Will be added this weekend!
  11. Genesis


    Welcome back. =] PS: 500 + during WoE.
  12. "Shit was so cash. " <-- If you only knew...

  13. "Interests

    Girls. "

    I'm sure not even you believe that sean <3

  14. That picture on the wall is really cute Char.
  15. Link to post reviews at: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=ser...&page_num=1
  16. But stalking you is so much fun ='\

  17. I'm reopening this, hopefully enough time was given for certain people to cool down.
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