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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I'll add a kafra there. :)
  2. People farm mixing items to fund themselves and obtain items for PvP/Events/WoE. I don't think adding them to the mall is a good idea.
  3. I don't see us doing a random donation item npc. Most of our items are move expensive than 1 dollar.
  4. I'll speak to out spriter to see if we can make this happen. :)
  5. If its still broken, please file a ticket I'll take a look at it tonight. :)
  6. Welcome. :)
  7. All 5 pages of the suggestion forum have been reviewed! Many suggestions (over 40) have been added to my todo list. Thank you and keep it up guys!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChainBreak


      w00t ! That's a ton of work. Thanks for putting so much effort into it. =D

    3. ScarletDevilmoon
    4. Rayray


      Thanks Genesis :D

  8. Removing dual clienting will not resolve scamming/trolling.
  9. I'll fix this. :)
  10. We can work on adding new Legendary headgears.
  11. We don't want to make it impossible for farmers to make money. This is a way for them to do it. If we sold them through a NPC, they wouldn't be able to sell theirs.
  12. I wouldn't want to do this. It could open up issues.
  13. Asura is pretty strong as it is and i see people spam it super fast right now.
  14. They should have more colors now.
  15. Novice02 is meant for novices, not for hunting.
  16. I'll discuss this with the team and see how they look
  17. I'll discuss this with Veracity, see what we come up with.
  18. We had this, but it was removed because of how difficult it was to maintain colored skins. We need to do twice the amount of work to maintain them.
  19. FCP will return!
  20. We will work on adding new vote items. :)
  21. Stalker is fine as it is. :)
  22. I'll discuss this with Veracity and add it. :)
  23. If there is a huge fee, add me to skype/yahoo/msn/etc we can coordinate a way that will work for you.
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