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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I've implemented another change to the algorithm ingame which should help significantly.
  2. Please keep all discussions related to the Tracking skill in this thread: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/33095-gs-tracking-is-op-af/page-4 Changes were done not long ago that should improve its balance ingame.
  3. I've temporarily lowered tracking to 200% to see the effect.
  4. It refers to your ingame account name (username). Which is what you enter on top of your password.
  5. Genesis

    Cant Log In,

    Your image didn't upload. Can you try imgur.com?
  6. Glad I could help. :) If you need help feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350
  7. Hey, You'll need some sort of virtualization. I use Parallels to run RO on Mac OSX.
  8. Hmm... not sure what the issue is without seeing it. Can you message me on skype at jorgeluisf350? I'll be happy to give you a hand. :)
  9. You cannot do the knight quest twice. You can only do it once, and if you lose it due to the dragnist point system, you can redo it. Please message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 and I'll be happy to help you fix whatever issue you are facing.
  10. Please follow my guide here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#resetposition
  11. ama_dun03 is a good place. I got this by: 1. using @ii String to get the item id (in this case, 7772). 2. Using @whodrops 7772 to find out that The Paper drops it. 3. use @whereis The Paper to find where it spawns. All these commands are available to you so feel free to use them. :)
  12. Please file a ticket, we will be happy to help you there.
  13. Please use the old setup (setup.exe). Also check out my guide for fixing white screen here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#resetposition The solution should also work for your issue.
  14. If this is still an issue, add me to skype at jorgeluisf350 and I'll give you a hand.
  15. Please file a password recovery ticket, we will help you recover your account.
  16. Please file a bug report, we will correct this right away. :)
  17. Please follow this guide to reset your character's position: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#resetposition This is a temporary fix, a permanent fix is to download our all-in-one.
  18. The sign quest is currently disabled. :)
  19. The best way to avoid being errored is to download our all-in-one. It has everything you need updated to the point you need them to be updated to. In the mean time, I would suggest doing what Ares suggested as a temporary fix. The best long term fix is downloading the all-in-one. Here are some guides on how to install it using different methods: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/
  20. If you keep shitting all over the GM Team/myself in every other post you are going to get banned. Fair warning. In regards to the topic, its possible to make it so you can convert multiple tickets at the same time. However, precautions will need to be taken to ensure tokens aren't dropped due to a player being overweight.
  21. Now would be a good time to grab the armor. We are improving it substantially thanks to player feedback. Get it while you can get it cheap(er)!
  22. @Zelot Overlord. I am sure I have answered this question multiple times. Harmony has many problems with it. It has caused more problems than it has solved. A quick google search would reveal this fact.
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