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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I spy with my little eyes upcoming drama.
  2. Here is what I believe: 1. The Scum 'R Us section promotes verbal abuse, how so? John says the following after being killed by Sam "Screw you *insert foul word here* Then Sam reports John for foul language. John now wants revenge ( like most people) thus provokes Sam and gets Sam to say something foul. Thus who won? Noone did. 2. I don't believe provoking then screenshotting is right. Martha gets killed in PvP by Daniel, Daniel says "Thats right *insert foul word*", then Martha replies with "Oh yea you are a *insert foul word*", all Daniel has to do is screenshoot what Martha said and report it. I believe in this situation both should be punished equally, this will help keep the people with foul language at bay as well as make people realize its MUCH better to stay silent and screenshot it than to curse back.
  3. Genesis


    Hello and Welcome to ForsakenRO! =]
  4. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    You had I believe... 20~30ish (memory fails me) berries he had 1.4k + ADs ( including card) and 400 + FCP Bottles with 60 Yggs in his inventory.
  5. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    8:20 AM to 10:05 AM when I logged off, FCP lasts 10 minutes but when you have 400 + bottles... you do the math.
  6. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    After the above happened I pondered for a bit with other GMs and we decided to remove the running rule. Thank you Thiago for pointing that out.
  7. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    I'll be sure to add that.
  8. This is not how we decide if someone will become a GM or not, if we need more GMs we will reopen the applications so everyone in the server has a fair chance at helping out, thank you.
  9. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    The person attacking wasted their yggs and didn't get a kill.
  10. Genesis

    LMS Rules!

    Due to some confusion ( partially amount the GM Team) with the LMS done earlier today, I have decide to post the LMS rules: 1. No Novices. 2. No Basilica. 3. No Resurrection ( including group resurrection). 4. No Skoll Summoning Skolls. 5. No Fly Wings. 6. No Butterfly Wings. 7. No Hiding behind NPCs. Pre-done buffs outside of the LMS are allowed (if you can get past the NPC with them of course). Running is allowed ( to an extent constantly running is not) , after a discussion with a very good stalker today; I have been brought to light on this issue; Running and striking when the time is right is the same as organizing a raid on the Emperium at the last second; its completely legal and a very good strategy.
  11. Genesis


    We continue to hold a great rank, which is getting us alot of new players! Keep it up guys!
  12. Epic beyond words.
  13. The following are a list of the 4 new GMs added, the reason it has taken so long to select them was mainly because of the massive amount of great applications we got, many players applied it was a difficult decision to make regardless here is the list: [GM]Defiance - Asian Time Zone. [GM]Amorus - American Time Zone. [GM]Cherish - American Time Zone. [GM]Trochilidae - European Time Zone. Thank you for sending your Applications, and we strongly believe this New GMs will provide a wonderful RO Experience you will never forget.
  14. Its their first day they are learning the feel of it; like anything in life your first time is always the hardest, and Thiago the server caps at 230 at 8~9~10 PM during the american time zones.
  15. Genesis

    Fuck this Shit!

    Please report all forms of abuse in the Scum 'R Us section, if you do not want to make it public feel free to PM me I will deal with it and keep your report anonymous.
  16. Genesis

    I Quit.

    You guys are acting like he will never come back; he's coming back in October. x_X
  17. Stop now, post pictures any unrelated post will be deleted and it's poster warned.
  18. Genesis


    I'll be making a topic once the final GM is signed up.
  19. Genesis


    We send replies to 3 of the 4 GMs today, 1 of them ( due to his time zone) was able to reply within minutes and he is now setup doing events and supporting players ingame the other 3 will hopefully be added tonight and explained how to GM and such when that happens we will announce them. =]
  20. Genesis

    I Quit.

    Cya, enjoy your life be sure to visit =]
  21. GTB has not been changed because the edit has not been applied; it was not working when we tried. They would need to alter their items as Maya card only blocks 50% you need a combination of cards/equips in order to obtain 100% reflect; you do not realize doing this change will give the magic class a CHANCE a chance they did not have before.
  22. That means you are missing .DLL files, download this: http://forsaken-ro.net/rofiles.exe and install it where your RO folder is; do you have other servers besides ForsakenRO there?
  23. You can always counter PD. Personally if I were to play any class I would have more than just a 1337h3xzomguberdmg weapon, I'd have 1 for each situation.
  24. Wizards are given a small advantage with this GTB change nothing huge; may I remind you there is such a thing as Maya card and its even possible to obtain 100% Magic Reflect.
  25. There are 3. 1. Original ( old) IPB Skin. 2. Original (new) IPB Skin. 3. ForsakenRO.
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