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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. You said you didn't have enough space on your Hard Drive right? You should try deleting files you don't need like um... old game files or stuff in your desktop that sorta stuff. =]
  2. Keep it flame free final warning.
  3. Keep it flame free.
  4. Genesis


    Bye enjoy life, and keep in mind it's just a game.
  5. Try deleteing unused files or using the windows clean up option to free up space.
  6. Hey, go ahead and ask the questions. =]
  7. Lets keep this flame free, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Max user online was 300 but that was back when the user online count counted afk chats as well as venders so in reality it was maybe.... 230; we hit over 260+ ( not counting chats/afk/verders).
  8. Enjoy life sevian. PS: Gas is almost $4.00 in Florida its like 3.74 right now though rising everyday.
  9. Genesis


    @duel was reduced to 1 minute last I checked ( which was 3 minutes ago).
  10. You could try logging in slowly.
  11. Disabled by reboot tomorrow, thanks for letting me know.
  12. What is your character name? The problem might be that since you are using the Death Angel its sprite is big and your video card isn't loading is fast enough; so if you provide your character name I'll put the helm in your storage.
  13. Exactly. Wouldn't that kill the class? I mean taking EDP from a sinX is pretty much throwing them into the den of lions; All you would need to do is wear undead armor and boom SinX = owned.
  14. Genesis


    @duel takes 1 minute not 5.
  15. I don't think dispel removes edp.
  16. Totally photoshopped. =\ I kid. Nice =]
  17. The Assassin Cross Job has some pretty bad disadvantages to it; one of them being the fact that you can reveal where they are so quickly; Lets keep in mind said class was made for quick bursts of attacks.
  18. Oh yea, it was so brief that I didn't recall doing it x_X
  19. iRO => VanRO => NLRO => DarkRO => ScytheRO => NLRO => ForsakenRO.
  20. When the high rate hits 500 players.
  21. mailbox?
  22. You asked me to ban your main.
  23. Welcome to ForsakenRO! PS: Have you tried killing the assassin cross mobs in lhz_dun03? Those drop edp bottles.
  24. Once the PvP Ladder is reset that should be fixed.
  25. All guild forums have been created.
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