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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Genesis


    I have this same problem with my laptop; I've been trying to figure it out ever since I bought it >_>
  2. Server's back. Reason for Downtime: mysql logs corruption. The Issue is solved, on the upside this downtime gave me time to fix Paladin's Faith Skill it now gives the previously modified amount of 25,000.
  3. There seems to be a small hiccup with the SQL we are fixing it as we speak, server shouldn't be down for much longer.
  4. Yes. Thats a Skill Buyer ( Because certain classes are capped at 50 Job Level). This is a Skill Point Buyer it gives you skill Points. Instead of asking the same question over and over again why don't you just go ingame and try it.
  5. Skill Point Seller. There is nothing to define its just... there.
  6. Your math is completely wrong. 12 Yggs = 12 x 100 = 1,200 x 4 ( 4 chests) = 4,800 per day. All the more reason to WoE.
  7. More will be added in the following days.
  8. TO improve WoE activity/Fun we have decided to remove all of its current drops and offer something more... useful below are the items and their effects: Golden Valkyrie Helmet Slot: 2 Effect: Original Valkyrie Helm effect, with a bonus of + 3 all stats. Drop Rate: 2% Magical Emperium Aurora Slot: 1 Effect: All Stats + 20, Works both Day and Night. Drop Rate: 2% Yggdrasil Red Box Slot: 0 A magical Box that holds a total of 12 Yggdrasil Tickets inside. Drop Rate: 100% Much more will be added before next Saturday's WoE! We have also added a Skill Point Seller, this will allow classes that are underestimated a shot in PvP/WoE Fixes: *WoE End Script Fixed. ( Small Issue with the time zone host change) *Coin Seller NPC Fixed. ( Small Issue with our new coding language it was not reading variables correctly) *Dark Purple Butterfly Wings Added.
  9. Its Physically impossible to please everyone with lag; it depends where you live your IPS and your computer itself ( including video card), don't believe me? Go to http://just-ping.com/ and Ping: forsakenserver.net Anything below 150 = NO LAG 150~200 = Lag Spike. As you can see, the North American Continent ( and most of Europe) it lag free. You also have to consider that if you play from Asia your connection has the largest ocean in the world to cross.
  10. o_O? What?
  11. Genesis

    S> Ice Wings

    You should post an ss of the wings so people know what you are talking about.
  12. Genesis

    Server Host

    Northern California.
  13. iRO was fun VERY fun about 4~3 years ago; now its kinda boring.
  14. Server migrate has been complete and the server is now up. If you cannot connect check the following: 1. Your ForsakenRO is patched up. 2. You do not have a folder named "data" in your RO directory. 3. If the 2 above are fine then please allow a few minutes for your ISP's DNS servers to refresh. Enjoy and Good Night.
  15. Thats softball not baseball.
  16. The Server host change has begun. Estimated down time: 1 hour.
  17. At Approximately 11 PM ( EST) we will be moving our server to a new server box located in Chicago with the following specs: 2x Dual Core Opteron 2216 4GB DDR667 120GB HDD All event times/WoE Times will remain the same. I'd like to remind everyone to patch your ForsakenRO, we do not connect via an IP anymore; we connect with a domain name which is linked to a DNS server. ( said change we did 3 weeks ago), Please make sure your ForsakenRO is patched all the way and if it errors for some reason download the latest release: http://forsaken-ro.net/FROInstaller.exe Thank you.
  18. Try instead of running the patcher running "Fkenro" its an exe thats where you installed ForsakenRO.
  19. http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob...b_search=Search Thanatos is Ghost property.
  20. Do you run on Windows Xp or something else?
  21. Mmmk @storage/@gstorage problem fixed and I removed the delay on @warp as well due to there not being a need for it any longer, as we have removed global PK.
  22. Lol dude, there are still ALOT of things we haven't tried I told you to add me to MSN so we could talk faster D:
  23. We have updated the src to the latest, stable release. There seems to be no issues we added a few things as well as some fixes: * Merged the Acid Demonstration crash fix * Fixed newly invited party members not displaying correctly * Added missing party leader check when changing party settings * Added missing chatroom owner check when parsing kick requests * Merged the updates to minimize the packets sent when warping * Merged fixes to land skill code - added flag UF_PATHCHECK for wall-ignoring land skills - allowed casting of ground-targeted skills over 'gaps' * Merged script function 'query_logsql' * Merged support for the 'view player equip' feature * Merged r12293, r12299, r12300 and r12310 - Updated firepillar so it cannot be placed on top of others - Updated the firepillar code so it behaves like the other traps - Changed the default format for @me and @main to avoid client crashes - Additional status changes now only trigger if the attack did damage (prevents getting bash-stunned through kyrie/safetywall, for example) - Fixed no-equip restrictions not applying to cards properly - Fixed the session_data de-association in chrif_auth_delete - Added Firepillar's 'target cannot move for 0.2 sec x hit' property - Corrected Earthquake so it behaves as explained in the dev topics - Added code to unequip restricted compounded cards when changing maps - Modified mapflag loading code to handle whitespace problems better * Merged various fixes that accumulated over time: - corrected uninitialized login_fd/char_fd in the char servers - limited base_atk calculations to avoid overflows - fixed an exploit with delayed consumption items - added +1 MDEF bonus from LK's Concentration - added status_calc_life() to do safe hp/maxhp % calculation - fixed logarithmic drops turning 0% drop rates into 100% - correct Bard/Dancer spirit walk-speed bonus - removed the problematic max. send buffer size limit - increased the max amount of autocast skills from 5 to 10 - fixed Apple of Idun not checking for bard soul link - fixed Advanced Adrenaline Rush not working barehanded - patched an unresolved case regarding bard/dancer knockback - fixed @reloadmobdb producing memory leaks in pet db - graceful socket shutdown when exiting - fixed 'cleararray' not able to erase array entry 127 - added check to chrif_authok() to detect data size mismatches * Merged improvements to the auth system - made autotraders be kicked instead of reporting double login - players in auth/logout process are now stored separately - removed lots of now unneccessary management variables and code - corrected display problems with party invite/leave * Fixed a crash when a homun kills a mvp and the char that did the most damage is unable to carry the mvp reward * Merged adjustments to the cell system - Icewall now uses basic cell type 5 (nonwalkable, shootable) - as a consequence, it is now possible to warp to a nonwalkable cell * Merged the improved memory manager system - added timestamps to memory leak logging * Merged the enhanced 'input' script command - two new optional arguments 'min' and 'max' - return value indicating if it's in the correct range - added config settings to allow adjusting min/max allowed value * Fixed @whomap not unlocking the player db * Fixed db_obj_get not handling deleted nodes correctly. We also added a few cool things: When you type @go 25, Forsaken City is displayed. We also added some chrif.c edits which will reduce strain on the CPU. Current Issues: None, awaiting WoE to see if there are any there..
  24. I believe those hot items are called "masturbating". D:

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