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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Err... its spanish not portuguese.
  2. Something is wring with your computer I downloaded it and so did 2 other people with no problems. Try updating your Windows. ( If its the All-In-One then try redownloading it).
  3. Hola, in realidad la mejor forma de aprender es probar y jugar tu mismo; todo los pets y las espadas las puedes comprar/aser en el juego facilmente hay un "Safari Zone" adonde puedes cojer mas de 150 pets.
  4. Genesis


    Coupons usually take about 4 hours to get if you still haven't gotten your coupons ( check storage) then you need to re-email us.
  5. #12 almost 11, keep it up guys.
  6. I'm sorry but you are complaining about 1 week? Past 3 servers I played on when people got hacked/scammed they would wait MONTHS before getting their stuff back. And cheaters will be persecuted and banned.
  7. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=807
  8. I don't feel I need to redeem myself at all because frankly this was not my fault to begin with; I do believe the players do not need to suffer therefore I ( as well as the "horrible" [ as you indirectly put it GM Team) took the time to setup help desks and ways for them to redeem their items ( which has worked extremely well most people have their items back) I believe you are still sour about losing your GM. Get over yourself and "legends" do die; you did. You are obviously trying to advertise another one of your failure attempts at starting a server, how sad how the "mighty" have fallen.
  9. Not over 1 year about... 6~8 months and donations can be obtained via multiple events there are no donation exclusive items here.
  10. Just to clear things up; item recovery ingame was open for 5 days item recovery via PMing me was open for... quite some time in fact its still open. One must find it very easy to criticize and call me names; but of course you aren't t he one staying up late returning items when other servers would just ignore you. =]
  11. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...amp;#entry31617
  12. You use them to exchange the coins for zeny using the coin banker located in @go 25.
  13. We would need to edit every framework for ever class and edit every palette for every class as well. It would literally take days and days and days and days of work.
  14. Does this happen always or only sometimes?
  15. Should be OK now.
  16. Make sure to PM a GM for that. Welcome =]
  17. Genesis

    Hey There~

    Hey, Welcome to ForsakenRO! Let myself or any other GM know if you have any questions. PS: Why don't you PM me your issue I'll help you solve it.
  18. Genesis


    Hi and welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online! Let myself or any other Staff Member know if you have any questions. I'm sure you will enjoy it here. =]
  19. Sorry about the delay; I had to reformat my computer today and I'm having some technical Problems which won't allow me to login ( Ironic isn't it?) Regardless; You should have them by tomorrow morning. Thank you and sorry for the trouble.
  20. Genesis


    He still plays =P
  21. Genesis


    Noone really quits a Game; most ( note the word most) say they "quit" simply to get attention. Most of the " I quit" topics are of no use now; they are back.
  22. Welcome to ForsakenRO! Let myself or any staff member know if you have any questions. PS: People get 2k coupons by doing events and trading items 2k coupons would be a massive donation. Lets not forget Ice Picks and Thanatos Cards.
  23. El o el, awsome.
  24. More skill mods to be done.
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