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Genesis last won the day on June 12 2024

Genesis had the most liked content!

About Genesis

  • Birthday 12/16/1990

Contact Methods

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Boston, Massachusetts

Previous Fields

  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    ForsakenRO GM Team

Recent Profile Visitors

148069 profile views

Genesis's Achievements


God (10/10)




Community Answers

  1. hi gen

    can you help me recover my account

    1. Genesis


      Sure, please message me on discord at: jorgeluisf350#6842 or file a ticket, I'll help you recover it.

  2. -Replaced guild rental system with newbie rental system. -Added option to avoid getting activity tokens via the Forsaken Kafra. -Fixed issue with Mallina Card not working on certain maps. -Added option for non-owners to redeem Forsaken Lair rewards. - Adjusted rewards for Hunter NPC. -- After Mission #29, you get 400 Fame points. -- After Mission 59, you get 1000 Fame points, 50X yggdrasil seed tickets and 1 Mithril Coin. - Reorganized Tokenshop to better represent redeemable vouchers. - Added permanent PvP Room.
  3. how can i recover my account? please help me thank you

    1. Yolo


      i already recover my account


  4. GM Applications have been reopened! Deadline of May 14th!
  5. Fixed weight issue for Chivalry Emblem Disabled Halloween Village and Quests Added Christmas Login Screen Fixed issue with Legendary Drooping Loli Cat not appearing correctly in @ii Changed Dam of Darkness description to avoid confusion Changed fcity theme to Christmas Theme Enabled Christmas quests Fixed female sprite issue with 19591. Fixed issue with Cursed Ring Quest asking for incorrect item name. All characters are now debuffed when entering WoE.
  6. Please read the FAQ: https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?p=667
  7. i cant log in my account always say failed to connect to the server

    1. Genesis



      This is a connectivity issue. There are multiple factors that could be causing it. Please message me on discord and provide more deetails.

  8. Applications have beeen reopened! Applications end on June 26th, 2022 (Sunday).
  9. - Added new Dragon Headgears -- 30 PVP tokens in Token Trader NPC - New login screen - Fixed issue in Blessed Sword Variant giving Cursed Variant - Fcity is back to a normal theme - Golden Mystery Box rotation -- White Aqua Aurora -- Azure Ice Emperium Aurora -- Teal Ice Emperium -- Yellow Nebula Aurora -- Jade Ice Emperium -- Teal Imperial Helm --Jade Imperial Helm -- Black Imperial Helm -- Azure Imperial Helm -- Valkyrie Expansion Headgear Redemption Ticket -- Assorted Headgear Redemption Ticket -- Enchanted Exchange Voucher -- Weapon Exchange Voucher - Adjusted seed delay when using Full Buster skill - Mallina Card is now equipped with headgear * Remove the card if currently equipped. - Fixed issue with Pneuma auto-cast skill for Soul Linker class - Fixed issue with Novice events that can equip items - Star Gladiator Guardian Ring and Sorrowbringer adjustment Sorrowbringer Str + 25, Ag i+ 12, Atk + 10%, Max Hp + 45% Increase damage to demihuman by 7% Increase damage to medium-sized monsters by 2% Allows Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit Star Gladiator Guardian Ring Str + 25, Vit + 20, Atk + 8%, Max Hp + 25%, Max Sp + 10%, Walking Speed + 15%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Inflict 15% more damage with critical attacks, 2% chance to cast Counter Kick, Increase damage of Counter Kick by 150%. Reduce damage taken from demihuman by 5% - Implemented automated punishment to the "Account" that will leave Battlegrounds matches - WoE 2.0 drop rotation -- Teal Ice Emperium Fragment drop is added
  10. You are too scrolled out, if you scroll in it'll rerender for you.
  11. https://forum.forsaken-ro.net/support/
  12. Applications have been reopened! Applications end on November 14st, 2021 (Sunday).
  13. - Correct issue where the Vote Infernal Star Gladiator Cape was not giving the correct stats. - Added a 10 second cooldown to reentering fRO's Strongest Arena after quitting, or after death. - Enabled Lost Village within warper. - Reenabled Forsaken City Halloween theme. - Added updated automatic broadcast reminding players AFK Macro farming is not allowed. - Nebula Auroras description updated to reflect that champion class cannot wear it. - WoE Castles Rotated: American WoE @ 20:00 on Wednesdays and Saturdays prtg_cas03 -> payg_cas03 payg_cas02 -> gefg_cas03 Asian WoE @ 07:00 on Tuesdays aldeg_cas02 -> prtg_cas05 aldeg_cas05 -> prtg_cas02 European WoE @ 14:00 on Mondays, 10:00 on Fridays gefg_cas01 -> aldeg_cas04 gefg_cas04 -> aldeg_cas01 International WoE @ 9:00 on Sundays prtg_cas01 -> payg_cas01 WoE 2.0 @ 20:00 on Fridays arug_cas04 -> schg_cas02 - Fixed issue with Cat Mouth sprite. - Correct issue with Sky Blue Nebula aurora sprite. - Correct issue with Amber Nebula aurora sprite. - Correct issue with Mint Nebula aurora sprite. - Corrected issue with Limited Edition Black Cat Ears
  14. You are reviving a several month old topic... If you don't know the username or the email we cannot recover your account.
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