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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. I so agreed with 1st Mike post... Want to know why I hate you guys? 1.Bunch of gangers. 2.Full of botters 3.All SinX using the same noob sb build ((Even though i used it,i only had link and i did way more than you even imagine)) 4.You guys just can't 1on1 anyone without HP/link buffs. 5.When you kill us you either say ''weak'' or some shittie things with your language. I could continue..but i'm just not feellin like it.
  2. Your cute,id hit that. I mean, nothin :S
  3. In 3 weeks she will have more posts than you do... Getting into topic 1.Nao-chan/wizardry 2.Nao-chan/wizardry 3.Nao-chan/wizardry 4.Nao-chan/wizardry 5.Nao-chan/wizardry
  4. geldaz

    Lols. TSS.

    I'm cold ashes AkA paranoia btw u dumbie. And you gotta do 500k atleast.. just ask remy to be the test slut.
  5. geldaz

    Top 5 Guilds

    I'm not starting flaming posts,leave your iGN here and we'll meet in the PvP,how that sounds? INTOPIC: Hai just cause you guys get a castle in last minute doesnt mean your the best... Not the worst tho.
  6. geldaz

    Lols. TSS.

    Ive seen myself doing 363k dmg from a sand attack... And it did show that dmg.. So it works fine.
  7. geldaz

    Lols. TSS.

    I did 346k x 5 once.. looks like i should go on my champ more often. Still,nice work Tyler.
  8. And i'm michael jackson. Just cause you can get a castle in the last 1 minute you think your any good? Jesus...
  9. geldaz


    CASE SOLVED. Close it plox .
  10. geldaz


    Ye im paranoia.Im waiting on genesis to get on msn to check trade logs. Sean doesnt usually do this ((Hes Entropy,i got his msn etc,we shared accs for like 1 month and nothin happened))
  11. geldaz


    Not actually a report... We share accounts and he usually uses my gear when im offline... and leaves it on atleast 1 of the 2 accounts i know of him. BUt i checked all the chars and it isnt there.. GEAR: full forsaken set,4 belts,thanatos,2tgs,1phree,party hat (OMG lul) and so on.
  12. Sean u fuckface where you putted my gear... I checked all your accounts and all the chars /storage and it isnt there. Go on msn and tell me for fuck sake.
  13. life and was
  14. I see Genesis did take my idea :) Thankies.
  15. geldaz

    Top 5 Guilds

    Actually,quality is over quantity,there for: 1.Scien. 2.Good Soup. 3.Influence. 4./desp ((lulx)) 5.Dunno really. QUOTE: ''definitely,good soup. break yo and termi'' Drax is weak.
  16. Id rather not turn this into another flaming topic. Ill keep my PvP stuff into the game,since your no match agaisnt me.
  17. But theres those phrases in UT ,because i used to do it all the time. ''MONSTER KILL'' ...you should add ''HOLY SHIAAT''
  18. I lol'ed at that. Btw congratulations Zeit :)
  19. *cough* TOPIC REVIVAL AGAIN *cough*
  20. Your comming back right nao. ''No matter what,they allways get more friends'' And you call your own ones. Like me? :) COme back like right nao. Ill lend you my thana like now. Just come back.
  21. geldaz

    MvP Cards

    Topic revival ... Look at the dates before posting. *cough* October 29th *cough*
  22. In my opinion,your complaining about yggs because EITHER You dont got money to get yggs or you cant spam fast enough to survive. Your a ranged class,its not like you need yggs alot. All snipers do is detect,ds ds ds (or normal hit) and charge back.. This is not to all snipers. Considering that L2aim is the best sniper i've ever found ,and he uses alot of skills. In iRO we dont use Yggs considering its to time consuming to get them,and LKs dont have more than 19k hp without berserk.Although we use White potions,as refered up there. Learn your ways to fight.Myself and other people can beat others without using a single berry. You just gotta get stronger.Everyone was a noob once too. And canceling storage in pvp and lms just rocks. :) Now its all about your dmg,and your timing on berrying. o.o (dont take this as a flaming post..Thats just my opinion >.>) *hugs* Cold Ashes
  23. I'm from Portugal,Europe. :D
  24. As the tittle says im selling these 2.Leave your offers here or pm me ingame .Paranoia Agent.
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