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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. geldaz

    Anthell fun!

    Eh,I often kill in anthell some people. :| And remy, Donar S :| Dieng with you all the time i SB,not funny.
  2. Thats what were doing, mister nightemare.
  3. PM .Paranoia Agent. ingame ill buy the garms
  4. as the tittle says. Make your prices here for the sinx elite katar and 2 garm cards and ill see if i agree with them.
  5. white lady 11 coupons and 1 zeny. im winning so far
  6. Price for elite sinx katar?
  7. Im still waiting for new years. :| 6 hours and 10 minutes for 1th January
  8. Its usually the last time, so yeah 1 hour :)
  9. Its only considering Kill Stealing on a Non-natural spawn MvP , mini bosses,or normal mobs, such as Thanatos,ghostring,Maya Purple etc.Eddga is a MvP,so its free for all,anyone can go and try kill it. If you got the MvP ((the blue message in your chat)) and he doesn't let you pick up the items,he's a jealous fag ,and next time,get friends.
  10. Bleh lag made me double post,sowy..
  11. One of them tried seduce me.. :| That one sure is in my KoS list.
  12. WARNING: StarDust is a friend of mine,dont make me get my gear back from my sister just to buttrape you all.Watch your mouth please.Bunch of perverts. ((Cold Ashes))
  13. 1. Get some english lessons,i couldnt understend most of what u said. 2. Hacked/Scammed issues wont be helped over the forums nor ingame.Send a mail to [email protected] with information about what happened,account name and what you've lost.
  14. geldaz

    Who's Sexier?

    LOL ,meanie sean :| I voted for you OFFTOPIC: Im loggin on,so prepare to give my gear back.
  15. geldaz

    Who's Sexier?

    I vote for Sean. ((Entropy))
  16. Best solution is ..Hack your dmg and do 400k double strife. : |
  17. The helm with +50 stats will only give those +50 stats till 16 january,or the quest for that will end in 16 january?
  18. geldaz


    For me it was 2 hours ago : ) 5+hours then gametime here
  19. geldaz


    MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :) RAWR shit load of presents here : | I hope you enjoy your xmas among with your family.
  20. Really,there isn't any ''GOOD''vendor but the one i do more business with is Busy Business.
  21. I got all the expansions,its somewhat cool : )
  22. Now theres the wrongest sentence i've ever fucking readed.GTB never owned a High Wizard,especially now.Or get 2 kiels and spam magic crasher ((thiago does 5k like that))or get dragoon warlord card and strip the shield.Or simply and pure,fight with your rod.
  23. 2STR belts Valk helm [2] Donation Cloak[2] GTB card Donation Shoes[2] 2x FBH And my secret build for your thanatos :P
  24. Yeah,Genesis,consider this ... We need a GM from Europe... Missing events alot.
  25. geldaz

    Lack Of Events.

    Colagua is barely the only GM that does events daily.The event i like most is team ones and Password. But guess what?Im from Europe,Portugal, And usually the time gms do events,is when im sleeping,so i wont have a chance to get coupons and progress in this game without donating. Starrting to get my point? Its not only the lack of events,but the lack of a European GM.Poor us..
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