Actually there are. In low rates and even in officials.When I still used to play iRO It was pretty comun to find Hight Priests saying ''Will be Buff whore for money'' and such stuff like that..
Do you find it fair on fighting a player that has all the buffs on the game when you'r simply doing all by yourself,and you happen to die,get fucking made fun of? I know know,Good players should always be prepared,but you gotta understend my point,that ALL the buffs in the game makes a HUGE BOOST in PvP. Buff bots is just as Hunt bots. Hunt bots beneficies the PvP too doesn't it?If you go by the fact that MOST of the hunt bots farm berries,Hunt Bots sure do help alot in matters of PvPing.
I'm agaisn't the removing pre-buffs ,but I sure agreed with removing Buff bots. WoE dmg Script ?Just as Sensation said,its a hex-edit.Why would it give an edge? Even though I never used and I will never try it,I think it's the same.You,people who don't use it,still see people animations changing elementals ((When it's a elemental that does animation ofcourse)) don't you?Don't try saying it gives an edge on the damage over the emp. You can just go on ,check emp proprieties and use the correct cards acording to the information in there.And,resuming all this thing,you can get it easily.
Don't take my posts kinda offensivly or don't judge me by my grammar because I'm Portuguese and I'm 13,that says enough.