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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. Another ego thread? >_> Unfortunately the best GS ever left the server. 1. Infinite all the way.The rest can't do shit but spam desesp.
  2. geldaz


    iamchris4life. Best guitar hero guy in the world.
  3. 1. This is HighWizard 2. Damage means nothing,I do 2-5k dmg with bolts and I kill pretty much. 3.I bet you couldn't even do 3k to me..
  4. Then everyone would say that such stuff makes them angry and swear for everything and nothing. D:
  5. No offense,but people are right >.> I didn't like them either,want to know why? 1. Their names are ridiculous ,exept that Defiance guy. 2. True their new,but their supposed to have experience no? One of the new GM's said ''LMS open for 3 minutes'',it passed 1 minute and it was closed already. Then,at dice,one of them was trying to kill Thiago's stalker and they took 5+ minutes,and then a played talks about the @kill command and they do it. Seeing from that,they didn't even knew there was such a command. That's kinda retarded no? Alot of people want Colagua back. I'm with it. >.>
  6. I believe you used Blueberry Sprite from the signature she made you?Kinda try making it by yourself. Work more on the BG also.
  7. Far from PD? I wonder why you get killed so easily,and don't negate it because yeah you die easily ,and if you stay your build is FAR from PD,fight me. @lingling sup ma nga. Dude i haven't seen your proff yet, come to tha pvp.
  8. So fucking agreed Mike. They complain about anything that owns them. Patchworks,SinX to overpowered,now professors. For fuck sake,what's next? Super novices?
  9. I'd rather not do much damage (( 2k - 3k isn't bad)) and survive barely anything than doing 6k damage and failing over everything. People might go PD,but most of them will probably quit the build because they'll fail over it. Everyone has their build,just quit complaining because you can't come with something better.
  10. You complain about PD because yourself can't counter it. It's easily counter,but the fun of this game is,you counter me , I counter you back. SinX will have hard time killing me or Sean,exept he uses WS.
  11. You better fight my professor then Sensation. And yesterday I was admired to not be dead on the LMS,even when I went to dinne during it. =D pwndizzleee. And me and sean don't just stick with 1 skill ,we use alot of skills to be honest. I just try as much as possible not loose hp,because I can carry only 50 yggs,which I only used 5 in that lms. It's Yagami here btw. =D
  12. geldaz

    Top 5 Paladin's

    Madox? He's not that good has you think. I'd suggest you going PvP more oftenly. Stride isn't active now,but for hella sure,he's the only paladin I've had serious fights. There was once where me and him fought 40 minutes straight on a LMS 1on1 battle,there was like 4 gm's waiting for it to end. It didn't,so they ended the LMS without a winner /sob. Madox still has to learn some stuff,he isn't bad but...not the best for sure. Striiiide all tha way.
  13. geldaz

    Top 5 Paladin's

    Stride is the best paladin ever existed >_> Enough said.
  14. The build itself isn't bad,but this has some Cons,which are way to important. 1.Your overall damage will fail.Yeah it's supposed to be a ''FUN'' build,but what's the fun when you can't kill anyone,and your damage is arround 100 ? 2.Considering your damage sucks hella hard,the enemy won't even ygg,and even using Usako+Fshield + energy coat,you'll end died in a bit if you're just new with professors. Well,don't take this has a flame,I'm just pointing out some cons ,because yeah I've played that build, and I couldn't do much,so I made my own among with stuff from Smash. I would advise getting this build only if you're already experiencied with this class,otherwise you'll just end dead. .Yagami Light. =]
  15. And so because of that assumption,you'd just let every european and asian players not go to any of these ubber leet hax events. Sounds indeed unfair huh?
  16. Actually most of the people aren't american. They're asian / european. I can't attend to both of the days of the GvG,and so can't most of the people who are from Europe. It's 5+ hours than game-time for me,so imagine how late the GvG are for me.
  17. Hai. IGN : .Paranoia Agent. Buying: -Maya Card (1) ---> 10 coupons -High Wizard Card (1) --> Don't know price,leave offer. -RSX Card (1) --> Don't know price,leave offer. -Day/Night Aura (1 of each) --> 40 donation coupons each.
  18. To be honest,the best wizard was Thi@go. Really,the only one every SinX used to die from or take ALOt of time beating him. Expect to see me on my high wizard when the GTB is changed.
  19. geldaz

    Top 10 SinX's

    Pretty much.He's great,but not perfect.I've killed him in LMS and sometimes 1on1. He is quinda inactive now,says RO is boring.
  20. geldaz

    Top 10 SinX's

    Oh gawd,this kind of thread again. Epic FataI ShadowzCross Blade BreakYoEmp .Paranoia Agent. No order,just,good SinX.
  21. geldaz

    For sean :>

    Nga,message me your Creator account >_> I gave you 1k fcp bottles and I need to fcp myself,but I don't know the account.LEaaaveee it on ma msg box kk? Bruno here.
  22. I think you guys should add a little more information about the guild <.<. Like ''Gang is Allowed'' and such :P Good luck with it Chou Chou / SweetSerenity.
  23. Lol'ed at that,and at what everyone said. I think there isn't anyone that good,atleast they don't show themselves.I only see random noobs entering PvP,SGing and logging out.If GTB gets changed,Give it a few days and make a topic like this. For now,really,noone pwns. ((before the GTB was way to popular,icon pwned with it,really haven't seen him in a while,right baked? :P)) Ashes here.
  24. That is the most retarded shit I've ever seen.
  25. I think it looks awesoem,and your style pwns. I think you should post a tutorial on how to do those effects and stuff :P
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