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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. geldaz

    Top 3

    Lmfao,you make me laugh iRL. Yeah,the first month I played iGhetto KoSed me,why? I had no gears. Now that I'm full geared,when he was arround PvP,he didn't even try. A piece of crap which beats you,makes you what? Better than me? Seriously,ain't I the kid here? Stop acting like one ,get some maturity,atleast I have that. And enough with flames, since Trochi got me again. >_>.
  2. Such a moral to talk about it huh?. Lol @ e-partnershit.
  3. geldaz

    Top 3

    And I laugh at you for using a ''secret'' account so noone knows who you are. Fear us please? If I were to list people who doesn't play here,the top of the LK was ''Fuzzy'' and not ''Sarduarkar''. And by the way,you're mad because we aren't listing one of your chars? Lol@that. @walshie lmfao you aren't active on your creator,atleast in PvP. But yeah I remember you hoe (:. And I just got Sean's build and modified it to my likes. Nobody ever taught me to play , exept for Uchiha Martin that taught me Sniper shit. And yeah entro,there's people better than L2Aim. He was a ''god'' until some people decided to role Snipers. He isn't the best,but hell yeah I'll remember him for beeing the one with guts to encourage others to play this class. And your thought of '' Never use ygg '' and sometimes complain after you die... that's kinda.. pathetic if you allow me to. Anyways I Haven't made some of the classes yet so , In topic: Paladins: 1.Stride 2.Sanitarium (( R.M.C.W.B )) 3. - Ash - Creator : 1.Boom boom Kid. 2. Walshie 3. The rest just runs and spams AD.
  4. geldaz

    Euro 2008

    And spain just fucking owned germany. Oh yeah bitches.
  5. geldaz

    Top 3

    Top Sinx: 1. Paranoia / thiago 2. Slipher 3. -Ace- Top Prof: 1. Yagami Light. 2. Smashed Top LK: 1. Sarduarkar Top Champ: 1. Yukumaru 2. Limitless Top Sniper: 1. Squal Leon 2.L2aim
  6. geldaz

    Euro 2008

    I bet Spain is going to win. Germany just has some luckass goals,while Spain plays WAY to much in team,has young and great players ,and a good goalkeeper. I'm all in for Spain.
  7. Once a week i log on to check the server. I just went in PvP,went on a full rampage. Then I magnum breaked near 3 a 100% reflect paladin + 60% reflect LK and 40% priest while using my thanatos and I just instantly died. I hate reflectors. *Casts a curse on them*
  8. geldaz

    Xbox Live

    You sir should just get GTA 4 and play agaisn't me :). I own mostly at DeathMatch and Races with or without weapons.
  9. I currently arez listeningz to tha music : Tetris Song- Techno <---- Owns you. No seriously,I'm listening that and Taking Back Sunday / Arctic Monkeys.
  10. Bai Drax. Have a nice summer and go get laid for once and for all :). I honestly enjoyed our fights , specialy when even more came and got in the middle. .Paranoia Agent.
  11. Not completely true Walshy. For now,such headgears has Blank Eyes ,that Angel wing ears with an halo and stuff like that are only obtainable through donation. That I'm informed of,they will be in the later future added and can be obtained from quests.
  12. I made a 19 twink on Sporeggar and it was fine. I play on The Venture Co, EU too. Gold sellers get banned quickly,and the chances you receive the gold can be 100%,but that your account won't be banned isn't higher than 5%. Farmers...that exists in every game.
  13. WoW rules >_>. How can that get boring? Even after having 3 70s and completed BT,I just can't get bored of it. (: Anyways,welcome back.
  14. In the 1st one you just changed the colours of the stock. The 2nd you did the same and added a shadow. I think it's way to simple. Add more stuff,I won't rate this since it doesn't mean anything regarding the thread 'Originality''.
  15. I think kriemhild is way to easy and small to conquer. The 1st one from naomi screen looks way better.
  16. geldaz

    New Event Idea.

    Lmfao. When this thing is all scripted I'll give it a try. 1 skoll + 2 gunkas is enough to counter a thanatos. Actually it's a abuse already. 1 skoll is fine if you aren't a paladin. And paladins mostly reflect so,you're fine.
  17. geldaz

    Story of RO?

    I dare anyone to post the story without copying / copy pasting from wikipedia or from a google search... You're just lieng to yourself. I know a few stuff about Fenris (( the wolf of RO )) ; Oddin, Freya,and some stories about the less important chars such has the Neko Mimi Lady.
  18. geldaz

    Xbox Live

    You tell us to post our gamertags but you don't bother post yours? Such an incentive to this thread,wow,claps seriously. Mine is Geldaz btw. I play GTA 4,GoW,GH3,Halo 3,CrackDown and Call Of Duty 4 ((rarely))
  19. geldaz


    Retail WoW for the win? >.> The only decent Private Server High-Rate I played was Abadon WoW,but it got closed due to hax. The others just give you free tier 6,all weapons,which is the ultimatum gayness,you don't work for shit,and the PvP there sucks,because everyone defaults the tier 6 which they think its the ''best'' which isn't compared to some other pieces (:
  20. geldaz

    New Player...

    I'd say go on with the class you're most used to,regardless beeing used by other people,you have your own style which makes PvP interesting. (:. I'd be playing my original iRO class if GTB wasn't as overpopulated here. LK's are actually a great class when played decently
  21. Yeah I did? >.> I said something that happened to me like 2 days ago,which I was still here.
  22. Post pictures of the EMPERIUM ROOM only,so we can see its plan and strategy needed (:
  23. Lmfao. I was kind of bored so I though of a topic like this one.I decided to make it so like..hum..everyone can express/say the most horrible/amazing things that happened to you in PvP,or what happened to you TODAY in PvP,something like that. I guess I'll start with this funny shiat : I was on PvP having fun with - Ash - when he asked me for help. He was like '' Omfg bruno,dat drax kid is cheating,he uses a Soul Linker Kaizeled and boosts kills. I worked hardass for them nga. Do something'' I was like ''Lmfao,drax?Fine,I was KoSin'g him anyways (:'' So I searched for Drax arround the PvP room,and there he was,boosting his kills with a friend that was playing on a Soul Linker,everytime dieng,using Kaizel. I went there,killed them both. They came a few times back,but after getting killed over and over by me,Drax decides to do what he does best,call help. He called ShadowzCross,a veteran that doesn't suit ganging. His plan was mostly to entertain me while Drax boosts his kills with the Linker, but failed,since I killed them over and over. Drax got tired and when finally noticed '' Wow,I can't win this shit,ifail'' he just stopped boosting,buuut,he came with a Paladin to ATTEMPT to kill me,this time with ShadowzCross ,both on me.I laughed,and PM'ed ash ''Yo,drax is on a paladin named blabla and is ganging my ass with Shadowz. Take one,I take another'' And so it continued ...we killed them over and over until they got tired. This is ONE of my thousand stories on PvP (:.
  24. So the only thing that you added was that grey thing and text?? Because appart from that,I see nothing diffrent. 1/10 until I'm told wrong.
  25. Could you post the original stock? I really don't see what changed appart from the grey thing and tex.
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