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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. Mike Tyson. Oh wait,he's still alive :>. Uh,icon might know this one. Eddie Guerrero :D I loved that wrestling icon. He was my fav. Peace hommie (:
  2. geldaz

    Discussion on PVP

    Hell fuck I love you. Remember when I used to say ''Lolfat paladin cuksucker'' ? Well,with time we became more friends,even though we never did that ubber-fight. :) Happy to see your ass back. @Blind. - Ok. So,people take it SO seriously when you kill them. They show frustration over it,and attempt to insult you or harass you. You take them so seriously. Why? you can /ignore them ,or you can just act like a ''wossie'' and start a new topic dizimating the ''newbs'' who insult you,the ones that you ALL call ''kiddies''. Genesis is right in a part,in another one. I say this myself beeing 14 years old and I know not every ''kiddie'' is completely retard or mentally-ill. MOST (( not all )) do stuff in the internet that they can't or are afraid to do in real life. This goes for ALL ages,not just young people. Charging someone by their age is going low. I take GAMES with passion. I kill them,if they say ''KoS'' I just answer back ''Come and try (:''. After a while of some good/bad fights,they quit attempting to kill me and actually ask me ''Let's stop and be friends please?''. Taking a game serious means you're a nerd ,and you gotta get a life. Now get your head straight before taking assumptions about young people. We're the sexiest thing alive (: ,among with our sense of homour.
  3. geldaz

    Uhh, [C&C]?

    Doesn't look bad for your first sig tbh,but the background is to plain,and the font is pretty uh...simple. Didn't you mean ''Bloodshred'' btw?
  4. Craziest shit I ever did was say to my father ''Shut the fuck up,i'm playing retard''. Should've though of the consequences :> Nah that's not crazy. Uh,I've jumped of a 12m board to water. Scared the shit out of me. Jumping from building to building is kinda scary too. Well,most craziest thing I ever done I think,was when I was pretty mad at life and I started punching random shit,until that random shit happened to be a window and I broke it,leaving a piece of it on my hand. I'd tell more stuff but I'm not that crazy I think.
  5. Indalecio is the death-bringer with a rod made of wood? :>
  6. Hawt. And yea,your hair darker looks better imo.
  7. geldaz


    @Insane I actually do play a sniper on the OFFICIAL iRO chaos. And Sonic Blow was nerfed here due to it's utter-overpower,so quit your utter-failure-flamming and bragging. If you want to duel a good sniper get your ass on iRO chaos and duel Uchiha Martin.
  8. geldaz

    If you fail

    You should start putting it then bascus (:
  9. Are your eyes real? :o Amazingly hot.
  10. geldaz


    Your statement is wrong again. To start with,snipers can survive Sonic Blow. Ifrit rings and get assumptio. Well,I don't need assumptio and I survive 22k sonic blows. And while they backslide ,they're not cloaked remember? You can arrow charge. If they have RSX,you can use Shockwave trap and kill their SP,most likely they use FBH so in 1 trap they ygg. SIMPLE MUCH.
  11. geldaz


    Yeah,but most don't really do that ye know. OffTopic: Talk about favoritism huh? I can see boobs on Kittie signature. More innapropriate than a Black man chasing a chicken. >_>.
  12. geldaz


    Thing is a paladin has defender. How am I sacrificing him? (: and Sharp Shooting already does a nice ammount of damage. Leads the SinX to utter failure (( I think that word exists :o ))
  13. Most of them weren't him and I didn't see them getting deleted. Not sure if he posted any that was his tbh. And I'm waiting for assooo. (:
  14. geldaz


    I suggest you start watching others and learning more. Sonic Blow is even easier. Why? They don't wear a shield,which gives a huge burst on damage. You can kite them arround. I rarely use yggs while fighting SinX,they're just easy. The ones who quickly cloak,I just get a paladin friend to stay in the middle,I use Sharp Shooting on the paladin and it affects the SinX who's cloaked,and I can DS him straight ahead,while with Arrow Shower there's a big delay before you can use another skill,which imo,sucks,and leads you to death. Agreed what Indalecio said. Overpowered overpowered is Thana TSS +Asura hybrid champ.
  15. You're just a ugly dog :<. I'm still waiting for yours and icarus picture. To much talk,no photz.
  16. geldaz


    Well,tbh,I barely get hit fighting SinX. I kite them alot. If they get to reach me I just usually use 3-7 yggs before they're 20 squares away again. Sniper is hard to play. It's not about doing the most damage,but when,and how to survive for longass times. I've got 200k+++ hp,carrying 150+++yggs,and doing alot of damage. We need a little boost,our elite wep sucks. Other than that,I just dislike Defender and Pneuma.
  17. geldaz


    Agreed. Well,if you say so badly you're the best Sniper arround,I'm sure you can take anyone. I can even tank 2 SinX,kill them easily etc. Traps are usefull. If they ain't working,then it's your fault,not the poor little trappies. Overall,SinX are easy as cake. If you can't kill them,you still need to learn stuff.
  18. geldaz


    You say you're doing 30k DS,but you can't kill them? That doesn't seem the SinX problem,but yours tbh. I do 18kx 2 DS with my inca and I get to beat pretty much most of the SinX. Learn to trap,decrease agi,etc.
  19. geldaz

    Have you ever?

    Yeah,while cybering with Char I cut my Thing on the desk. Have you ever feelt excited for seeing people of your sex?
  20. geldaz

    Have you ever?

    yea,when I cybered with Char. Have you ever said ''Fuck you'' to a teacher?
  21. geldaz

    Have you ever?

  22. geldaz

    Have you ever?

    Yeah, Muse one (: Have you ever had to clean with your own hands your dog/cat shit?
  23. geldaz

    Friendster Lobby

    Windows Live Messenger > Friendster,yahoo and all that.
  24. This is not the ''Post a lie about the person above you'' thread. Banned for beeing named Return. when you never left.
  25. Is a hot male.
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