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Leo `D

Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Leo `D

  1. hehe and I wised it too, I hope It won't be corrupt (Corrupted Wish Thread) :3
  2. Leo `D

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but the new GM your hunting went to dark part of a map and @warp is forbidden I wish red scarf on vote
  3. There still no Red Scarf on Vote i wanna get one :D
  4. spread the words and support this thred
  5. I think Drake card is only to maintain the damage on every size of monster it doesn't give additional damage to monster
  6. so what now? ill be changing the stat given
  7. you can go at Wiki to farm some quest item that might be useful for you
  8. I have notice this the ROP as a Donate don't effect the 10% damage to Demi-Human once the player put 2 FBH on their Boots so why not changing the Damage vs Demi-Human to Medium Size monster so it can be more usable Current ROP 20 All Stats 10% vs Demi-Human 8% Hp Change to: 20% All Stats 10% vs Medium Size 8% Hp feel Free to comment Thanks
  9. :D ok. any suggestion? GM Veracity please review it :D
  10. ok lets see how about to partner with all sinx weapon? See changes on the dagger suggestion :D
  11. Update Wiki please ^^

  12. Ughmm its suppose to be 80% but there is no Original Valk Dagger :D
  13. here is the link to all-in one patch hope you fixed your error http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=29
  14. I Added the stats comment if you want some changes to it?
  15. not all Strategy can do for Crit i like Dagger most but its very far from other Legendary and Valk Dagger has a great DPS
  16. I haven't think about the stats. you decide to the stats give some suggestion. Thanks Forsaken Dagger Stats 5% Damage vs Demi-Human 5 Str 5 Agi 10 Int 10% Sp Level 4 Weapon 90 Atk Suggested to 10% Damage vs Demi-Human (Removed due to does not Stack to 2 FBH card 100% Damage to Demi-Human) 5% Damge vs Medium/Small (Reduce from 10%) 10 Str 10 Agi 15 Int 10% Sp 50 Hit Level 4 Weapon 100 Atk Decide guys and comment to its changes? Edit: Stats
  17. Is there a legendary Dagger?

    1. Rayray


      sadly, there isn't one :(

    2. masterneil


      Hope there's 1 :3

    3. DeathZyte


      S>Legendary dagger. ^^,

  18. Is there a legendary Dagger?

  19. Yeah you can carry alot of replenishment dont wear Gtb coz it doubled you sp consumptions
  20. revive topic wanna suggest please do read
  21. I am really excited and I can't wait about it :P

  22. New updates please :D so i can finish what i quested for :D

    1. thePast


      No pls i havent done my halloween ;-;

    2. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      :D holloween quest extension

  23. I think its be like that Champ can Asura after it Blade Stops when you Blade Stop with Remaining 4 Spirit Spears it can do Asura that's the scrip from the beginning :P -1 btw
  24. Good luck to every hope there will be a nice and fair Gm to be hired :D and as Gm Decode said its a big responsibility.
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