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Leo `D

Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Leo `D

  1. I suggest it must have +Asdp on the weapon so it can boost your Matk or Vit(Hp)
  2. I would like to suggest an upgrade on Highness. +10 or +15 Asdp Why? Because Wizard, Professor and Soul Linker had low Aspd Rate, It consume more Agi Points to achieve its 195 Aspd. That's why they cant last on battle due to lack of Hp. If it has an Aspd on it weapon it will Increase it Hp since the Tao Card is restore its normal description. Additional: This is will be useful also on Eir's Book and Voluspa's Staff since it build with Stave Crusher. Thank You.. Hope you like my suggestion. <3
  3. and still no new update wonder when ^^

    1. Veracity


      We're hard at work on it :P Just be patient!

    2. Sensation
    3. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      im so exited about this cant wait ^^

  4. This is difficult to do. Dare you to try it to. ^^ IGN: Give4me
  5. +1 on these Additional Suggestion Rifle Accuracy + 50 Gatling Gun Critical Rate = +30 1% Chance Auto Disarm Shotgun i would pref that dex should get return and reduce acuracy Dex+ 30 Hit Rate = - 50 Dust + 20% Damage Spread Shot + 20% Grenade Luncher Dex+ 20 Vit+ 20 Hp/Sp+ 30% Aspd + 5 Ground Drift Damage + 40% hope you like it ^^
  6. i think there is no bug the LK Halberg attack is 600 while the Freyr's Blade is just 220 thats why there is some changes when you change the weapon like 380 lost when wearing the blade hope it helps
  7. if your wearing a Wanderer Set Just remove one of the following Helm,Amor,Cloack,Shoes to add Enlarge Weight Limit on Passive Skill. The following problem is that you already had that skill by wearing the Wanderer Set so just simply remove one of your set to add the Skill Point and so on you'll have the Push Card skill and rent now a push card. Good Luck hope it helps
  8. want Teal = 4.5k Token
  9. nice update but old valk weapon must change also on stats give example on new pally weapon and the old one old one gives a bit damage and stat must change to reduct and more hp for tanking to be a counter part of the new valk wepon for pally that deals more damage.. so that the old one must have a use in the game thx.
  10. I Got Connected Now to Server Using 3rd Sprite try it for your self if you will get connect
  11. lol that maybe not its just that we cant connect properly to server and rejecting our connection Q_Q
  12. Im experiencing this problem to when i connecting to server it goes Failed To Connect after the enter with the Player Count then boom it failed to connect btw im in PH too...
  13. What Client your using? is it All-in One or Small Patcher? Try re-install your client and then patch it full, ill recommended use All-In One Client Good Luck and Have Fun
  14. where do i find this heaven flower i actually got one but i forgot where do i get it please post where do i find this flower
  15. why server's dead?

    1. Veracity


      Our host is experiencing network issues, they are working on fixing it.

  16. its okey now thx i think my internet provider is the problem thx again
  17. why i cant connect to server it keeps failed to connect to server? what happen? does me or anybody is having a problem like me?
  18. nice job cant wait for part II *tumbs up*
  19. Leo `D

    Gym Pass

    I have saw the npc in payon that used to be giving an Enlarge Weight Skill as passive but it requires a Gympasses. It will be usefull to those classes whom not have weapon that gives Enlarge Weight Limit. Thank You very much im looking forward to it >.>
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  20. ish there an extact time when it will be finish i kinna want to vote for my scarf now Q_Q thanks..
  21. haha nice joing in the forum :D welcome
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