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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by  Ita

  1. And and then he got hungry and accidentally ate a bomb and exploded. :3
  2.  Ita

    High Wizard Card

    I think they do o.o;
  3. o__o;; I saw what the videos look like and Im not opening them >;3
  4. LOL that is so random ;3! Dat smelly smell....
  5. Ewwies I dun like it :c!
  6. Hai Daddy! :O <3

  7. Uhm....Something about the server...Oh I got it ;3 We rock! <3
  8.  Ita

    Red Ruckie

    Looks funny but they ish all cute. *-* <3.
  9.  Ita

    Duckie Headband

    Awuuuuhhhh x3 It's so Cute <3.
  10. I think Haruka's ish gud O_o maybe what happened in China ish haunting me...
  11. Life's Sorta Annoying Me..O_o;;

    1.  Ita


      Sorta sucking atm :3

    2. Aykitsu


      Hmm don't worry things changes and gets better. :3

  12.  Ita

    Life Sucks Q_Q;

    Well I didn't mention the personal things. >_<
  13.  Ita


    Omgah I was looking at at this topic :O and was like OmgahWtfItsTheStalker q__q. STALKERRR...here to stalk me >_>;
  14.  Ita

    Hello Everyone

    Hai :o this ish your first ro server? chu gonna lub it here :3 I be your friend :D!
  15.  Ita

    Life Sucks Q_Q;

    Yesterday two of my hamsters were ded D:! they were all bloody and ewwiessss. My bro's were being sooo annoying q_q. and for some reason my iPod was full of Miley Cyrus songs q_q..had to listen to dat allllll day...by the end of the day my head hurt :c. I dropped my laptop down the stairs...q_q didn't think it would turn on..:c BUT IT DID. so that sorta made me happy q_q;...I BLAME ANNIE.
  16. Try to redeem your tickets with another character..o.o happened to me once.
  17. I vote for [4] Haruka. because, it is creative and looks very life-like, it also depicts in a calm way how devastating a tsunami can be. I also love the water-color effect. Creativity: 5 Technical: 2 Execution: 3 Aesthetic: 4
  18. O; ISH DARK! I found chu Darkkkkk <3

  19.  Ita


    Nope D: (When Bees attack?) :3 iuuno if thats a movie though.. :O
  20. Currently Listening To: Nothing ~ :P.
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