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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by  Ita

  1.  Ita


    wtfux LOL. I can't believe I understood it...*-*!!!
  2. Lazy poeple...-Coughs- LIKE HIKAYU -Coughs-
  3.  Ita


    Welcome back :D we missed chu...q_q..
  4. Uncle...chu hab the first comment....but not if I delete it ! :3

  5.  Ita

    A Fact Of Life.

    -So Confused-....CHU HURT MY BRAIN. q__q.
  6.  Ita

    Laugh A Little ~

    LOL dats sooo wrong D:
  7.  Ita


    Awwehhhhh. Its soooo cute x3.
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