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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by  Ita

  1. O: Chu joined today! ;o Haiiii

  2.  Ita

    Hello All~~~~~

    Hai ;o. I help chu if chu need help. (:
  3. Omfg Danny, Poringly is your person stalker? LOL x3

  4. Pro <3 Ty for the guide. Nao I'm gonna make random headgears and stuffs. x3
  5. Lol haha alrighty x3. and hai AsBloodRunsBlack! :D.

  6.  Ita

    Lol what? o.o;; chu said no way! :3

  7.  Ita

    Omfg o.o Ryuk's in Tech Support...

  8. Uhm kay then! an alien ship came and kouch got transferred into it?....and the aliens made him go boom. One of the aliens was Annie, so Annie said: P.S: Kouch is dead. :3
  9.  Ita

    Which Is Better

    I like Ice Pick [1] :3 But Fdag with cards is good too ;o.
  10. Irishhhhh...Lol :P <3

  11. Latest Visitor...Stalkerrrrrr. :3 I jking I lab chu Seraphine :3

  12. Hai Chawwieh! O: PM Me on FRO :c

  13. HAI RAPIST. D:!

  14.  Ita

    Hello Everyone

    LOL? ;3 Theres also nice poeple like BARBIE <3
  15. And Annie Started Flying!~
  16. Ikr :3 I hab reasons but too lazy to write them down. :c buuuuuut heres one: The cards are useless. I burnt my fingers yesterday D:! nao it hurts to type :c.

  18. Its~!!! UH UH UH....ITS DEATHINA? :c

  19. LOL I got an email when chu commented! :3 Hai Daddy <3

  20.  Ita

    HAI DADDY. :3

  21. 824 ~
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