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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by  Ita


  2.  Ita

    Life Sucks Q_Q;

    Someone please close this topic. O_o...it sucks.
  3. 890! O:<
  4. LOL wtf danny. ;o

  5. 885
  6. Tegan and Sara - The Ocean. :3
  7. 883!
  8.  Ita

    Hi Bros

    Hai hai! ;o chu gonna have fun here :3
  9. 881~
  10. 879 o.o scroll up and see, the post number's got fudged up before, and iuuno. :c
  11. LOL Idk. I was bored so I rawr'ed at chu xD.

  12. Your a stalker, I'm a rapist. Do chu really wanna stalk me ;o?

  13. Lol. xD it was chu. /ok. ;3

  14. LOL. I dun even remember what I wrote to chu. ;3

  15. 892!
  16. I'm the kind of girl that will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened the day before.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2.  Ita


      Nahhhhh, I dun do drugs. ;3

    3. TensaZangetsu


      the fuck? who said weed was a drug its a herb my nga..

    4.  Ita


      It's a drug here. o_o

  17. 890! o: All of em were next to each other :3
  18. Nu uh! o.o or well I dun remember, I was peeking at a lot of people's profile's xD. I'm still gonna blame chu tho! ;P

  19.  Ita

    Lol. ;3 I dun play anymore tho so xD..

  20.  Ita


    @maria: YOU ARE TOO. D:! and yesh, chu should be bored more. :3
  21. 888 :D all the same numbers; and, guys hurry upppp :c I wanna reach 1000 ~
  22.  Ita

    Lol -patpat- chu better play when chu do hab time though! O:

  23.  Ita

    Hmm o; Why dun chu play fro anyway O_o

  24.  Ita

    LOL haha ;3 Chewbeh! <3 Dw I still luv chu :3

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