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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. Lyris


    Ye, seen you around. Pro breaker! Anywho, "welcome" (:
  2. Bombring drops it. Just type @whereis bombring and you will find it! It's not on ratemyserver because this is one of the many custom mobs created specially for this server. Exclusive! :) Hope I answered your question. (:
  3. Looked at it. l
  4. Lyris

    Gm Schedules

    Mondays to Fridays at a fixed time 07:00pm to 07:00 am server time: Work Will be online at 07:30am to 10:00am. Saturdays - Usually will be online from 1:00am to 11:00am if I'm not going out anywhere. This is inclusive of lunch/dinner & others.. Sundays - Will be online from 08:00pm server time to 10:00pm. Then out to church, family events, lunch, dinner, etc.. Will be online again at 08:00am server time to 11:00am server time. Schedule will vary depending on other circumstances which I will update from time to time.
  5. 2114
  6. Best of luck to everyone, can't wait to see new exciting faces in the team soon (:
  7. ^ You made me giggle xD
  8. Lyris

    Year 2011's Review

    2011 is over. Let's not dwell on it too much and move on. 2012 is going to be better! (:
  9. Happy New Year 2012, everyone. May your resolutions for this year come true. Have a blessed one, fRO! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aerynth


      Happy New Year Lyris, :)

    3. Meka Meka

      Meka Meka

      Let's MAKE our resolutions come true! :D

    4. Lyris


      @Appie: HNY to you too <3

      @Aerynth: U too! :)

      @Meks: Let's hope it does!

  10. Lyris

    Im Backkk

    Welcome back!
  11. Lyris


    Hi Flip-D! Do not hesitate on the questions if you need to know anything. Drop me a private message if you encounter problems or somesort. Happy playing! :)
  12. Since 2011 is coming to an end, why don't we look back and review what we've been through in this year? Any major accomplishment? Any major disappointments? You struck the Lottery? I'll start; My 2011 I've had.. wow. A long.. long year. Lots of stuff happened, bad ones mostly, good ones also. This year I started working; This year I started taking on more responsibilities. Most importantly, thank god I pulled through. Bye, 2011. BYE!!! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnMPR89D4XE
  13. Lyris


    Hi There Richie, It's a pleasure to have you join our community! I hope you'll have lots of fun playing here. If you ever encounter any problems, feel free to ask us! :)
  14. Lyris


    I believe Genesis has answered this. Solved
  15. A very Merry Christmas to everyone out there. May your wishes be granted by Santa this year (: <3

    1. Mint


      Merry Christmas Lyris!!

    2. Kcid


      Merry Christmas :D

  16. Lyris

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the server Xavian! Enjoy your stay here :)!!
  17. Would be cute to see these little haunted dolls in fcity ~ :D
  18. Thats a really cute video. Keep it up :)
  19. As we all might have known, every aura has a different price based heavily on the color/ and rarity of it. For Love Auras, it's entirely true to say that Purple/Pink would be the most expensive ones, since we see like 1 in game? I've not seen Purple around for quite some time. Let's say Purple/Pink is 1000 tokens upwards. Then you have Gold, which is definitely well within a high range too. I've seen 1, if not the most 2. So this puts Gold within the 900 token category too, if not more. Blue, White and Red falls in somewhat the same price range, if it differs, it's not by a huge margin. But I see alot of red and white love auras more than the other abovementioned "rare'' colors. _________________________________________________ As for Butterfly Aura, we all know it's extremely beautiful, and the colors are all distinct by itself. I can safely say that Butterfly Auras, regardless of color, would start from 1k tokens upwards. Green/Purple - I only see 1 ingame. So it's probably about 1.3-1.5k tokens. Pink - I see 1 too, but im not sure the price since someone was selling it a while back. Teal - I see 2-3 ingame, prolly 1k. Gold - Never seen one, not sure of the price. Blue - I think Haruka. has one, but she's not selling it I bet. White/Black - Falls within the same price range, perhaps 1.1-1.2k. Orange- The most that I see ingame, with the orange lovers wandering around with them. Probably 1k also. Conclusion: Love Auras range well from 500-1000, depending on color. Butterfly Auras: 1k upwards . I hope this answers your question :).
  20. Lyris

    Pc On Avians

    Ghost (Purple) would probably be the most expensive color, and it's about 250-300. The rest like Water (Blue), 200, Holy (White) 200, and colors such as Poison would be 150. The other colors like Fire (red), Wind (green) and etc would most likely be cheaper.
  21. Lyris


    Yay, it's much better. But you have to take into account those headgears which have slightly taller sprites, e.g. Pikachu Hat, or Witch Pumpkin Hat. Im just afraid it might be blocked :/ But really good effort! :D
  22. Lyris


    Mint, more. Higher! Don't want the balloon to cover the headgear sprites. Take note that one of the piamette ears have been covered. xD
  23. Lyris

    I'm Baaack~

    Welcome back Tony! :D
  24. Lyris


    The balloon on the 2nd picture makes me sad. :( It's like the kid wants to hold the balloon but can't. So close yet so far! D: So i agree to lower the balloon but not too low. A fraction above the head looks better imo. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  25. Happy Birthday Genesis :D!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dudu


      Muchas Felicidades Jorge, pasala de maravilla en tu dia!

    3. Aerynth


      Happy Birthday Gen!

    4. Nelly


      Happy Birthday Gen!

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