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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. Besides, this game's supposed to make you feel relaxed, adjourning whatever crap you're having to deal with in life on a daily basis. It's supposed to make you feel better. Just saying, Ignorance is bliss! Embrace the beauty. (:
  2. Welcome to this server, Jasper. :) Enjoy your stay here!
  3. 2481
  4. Noted!
  5. Do not revive old topics. Look at the date of the previous post. Almost 1 year and a half ago. If you have any related questions, kindly post in the Discussion thread. Thank you.
  6. Lyris


    o.o Sophisticated yet interesting. One heck of an introduction. Welcome! :)
  7. Lyris

    Hunger Games

    Inbox me the Link pls :( I got it! :) *reads*
  8. Refrain from creating multiple topics for the same matter.
  9. Lyris

    Hunger Games

    book book book me has to buy da book. :3
  10. Lyris

    Hunger Games

    Me neither, so I'm going to go grab the books and read all of them :/. Arghhhhh!
  11. Duly noted on the change of system.
  12. Lyris

    Hunger Games

    Watched it. Good movie. Can't wait for the next one. Probably would go get the books because I'm officially hooked, too! Guilty as charged. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a hole in the pocket :(
  13. The last post before yours was 1 year ago. Please refrain from reviving old topics.
  14. Lyris

    Hello Everyone

    Hi there :) Welcome to the server! Have a fun stay!
  15. Nice one.
  16. Lyris


    I am sorry. We are not allowed to reveal any information pertaining to the Frigg's Quest. Refrain from making similar tickets about this matter. Have fun questing, though! :)
  17. 2465
  18. 2462
  19. Entry [1] Alice Lindstrom I like how the theme of Origami is essentially brought into life in this signature. The use of human touch highlights the origami as the main agenda, so you don't get carried away or simply distracted. Use of background color is expected, but still, everything blends well together. Simplicity at it's best. Simple, yet perfect. Good Job. (: Creativity - 4 Technical - 4 Execution- 5 Aesthetic- 5
  20. Yay, Happy Birthday Sir Braxton. Have a great birthday! :)
  21. No we're not irritated by your topics, we're actually quite eager to help you. You can ask as many questions as you want, but if you knew you would have more than 1, then it's best if you just open a general inquiries topic so ALL of your questions can be answered there. There's nothing wrong with being clueless or curious about ALOT of things, we're willing to help you out :) Just essentially trying to keep the forums as neat as possible, that's all. There's no need to apologize. (:
  22. 2453
  23. 2449
  24. 2446
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