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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. The Royal Angel Wings and Sacred WIngs, yes. It's the same as the other wings, 10 pvp tokens will get you the wings you choose, alongside the 100 of each converter. The rest of the sets besides the RAW and Sacreds will be released soon. p.s. Nice update <3
  2. 2341
  3. Crimson Rose, along with other valentine's hats like Poring Letter, are no longer questable. However, the price wouldn't be too high, considering alot of people have crimson rose. I'm pretty sure you can get one for 20-30 tokens.
  4. Lyris

    My Introduction

    Hello there, Renna. :) Thanks for the introduction you've shared with us. Gives us all an idea of you and your background. I know it's kinda silly to say but we're all here for you! :D And and, welcome to the server!
  5. Lyris

    Something To Say.

    Good luck in your future undertakings. Take care of yourself, ok!? This server will ALWAYS welcome you, if you decide to come back one day. Until then, it is goodbye!
  6. 2337
  7. 2334
  8. 2332
  9. 2330!!!!!!!
  10. Dear Renna, You have to use Gravatar in order to set a profile picture. The steps are simple; 1. Register on https://en.gravatar.com/ 2. Verify your account using the email address you've registered under. 3. Log in Gravatar. 4. Upload a picture/photo of your own liking. 5. Go to your forum profile, under the edit photo section. 6. Click on the "Use Gravatar" option instead of the "Use a custom photo" option. 7. Key in the email address you have registered on earlier so your forum account is linked with Gravatar. 8. You're good to go! Basically you can upload whichever Avatar you like. Tell me if it works for you. (: p.s: Moved it to the correct "Support" section.
  11. 2328
  12. Lyris


    hi o-o
  13. 2326
  14. 2324
  15. As Bishop have stated, Having 30% damage reduction on the weapon alone notwithstanding every other damage reduction gears such as fluffy wings, poring tower hat, sacred wings or even the most basic shield is too much reduction we're talking about. Not only would it create a huge gap between every other classes but cause a serious imbalance in the market's economy if ever this weapon is released; or the server's jobs and classes respectively. Stats + 20 on top of +20% HP and SP isn't just too much to ask for but would seem to look like they have an additional slot for them to wear 2 auras. It's just too unfair no matter how we look at this. I am sorry, but this is a -1 from me too. We appreciate your suggestion, though.
  16. I'm sorry to disappoint, but as the friggs shield follow by a very unique storyline, we cannot reveal any information pertaining to this quest. Please do not create another topic asking for coordinates help on Frigg's Shield. On the side note, Good luck in your hunting quest (:
  17. May you rest in peace, Ms. Whitney.
  18. 2322
  19. Whether you believe it or not, whether you're celebrating it or not, whether you love it or not, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. <3 Time to dedicate silly love songs to each other! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Decode


      Here is my dedication to the lovely Lyris:

    3. Lyris


      Since the theme is silly love songs, I ll give you an original!

      To Decode, with love (:

    4. Decode
  20. 2320!
  21. 2318
  22. 2310
  23. 2305
  24. Duly noted.
  25. Winners My Linker :D Absolution Appie Prizes Each winner will receive 100 event tokens! You must contact a GM on the name listed above to redeem your prize Holiday Screenshot contest Winner: Appie Prize: 100 Event Tokens Guild Storage Before: 401 After: 301 Seraphine also handed the prize to Appie. Everyone has gotten their prizes, so I'm closing this thread. (:
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