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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. 1998!
  2. 1991
  3. 1986
  4. 1983
  5. 1966
  6. 1963
  7. Never base your conclusions on something you have yet to witness or experience yourself.

  8. 1958
  9. 1943
  10. 4th one is awesome!!! Oh but the last one looks a lil bit too gungho haha. Good job though! If it gets implemented, we're looking at tails swinging in fcity. C:
  11. 1937
  12. 1933
  13. Lyris

    Hi Guys

    Don't feel shy to talk to anyone :) if you don't feel you got the assistance needed, there's always forums here and try to @request. We will try our best to assist you if we're online.
  14. Color is pretty much the main difference in price for different colored RoPs. For instance, rare colors like Pink would go up to 850-1000 probably. Green, and Purple about 750. Then you have Gold which is about 500-600. The other colors like Red and Blue also goes at least about 450. Then you have Teal and White, which are probably the cheapest, and yet they cost at least 400 tokens. Since RoP is in high demand due to the better HP boost and a drop in price for Emperium Auroras, people oftenly trade Emps for RoP, hence setting the price for RoP at least about 350 and upwards. However, at the end of the day, the final say falls on the Seller/Buyer itself. If you're looking forward to buy one, you might end up getting a decent deal if you're patient enough to wait. I hope my explanation helped you. :)
  15. 1925! C:
  16. Definitely Pumped up Kicks. But Dubstep's kinda cool. Looking at the video makes me want to get my groove on LOL!! The guy's basically crazy.
  17. ^. Same :D
  18. 1911
  19. Lyris

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to the server, Kelvin :) I hope you'll have a great time !
  20. 1898
  21. 1890
  22. 1882
  23. Epic !! ;D
  24. 1880! Boy I'm feeling closer to 2000!! Dx
  25. Awesome update, Happy Halloween everybody! C:
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