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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. Lyris

    Hi Niggs

    Welcome to the server! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask here or ingame. :) Hope u'll enjoy your stay here!
  2. 1546
  3. Lyris

    Woe Drops

    +1! :D
  4. 1491
  5. 1481
  6. 1474
  7. 1471
  8. Nothing to worry about, stalk away!! But do leave messages when you end up stalking! Cause it's manners :P

  9. False. I know, who doesn't like very loud music? :3 The person below me loves to sing in the bathroom (while bathing, ofc).
  10. I see someone loitering around my profile, tada!

    Hi, C:

  11. False, not so much an animal person. The person below me enjoys sunbathing or anything along those lines.
  12. Partially true? I can be a nerd especially during exam periods! :3 The person below me likes heavy metal.
  13. 1465
  14. False, i think i'm not. xD The person below me is very religious.
  15. Don't do something which you will later regret out of peer pressure.

    1. Sensation


      Don't regret the things you've done, regret the things you could've done but didn't do.

    2. Lyris
    3. Lyris


      I just wish we could all turn back time, or given another chance to make that choice again.

  16. False, more like let people around us smell it! xD. (oops jk). The person below me wears glasses, *wink*
  17. Omigosh, it's all too adorable! Porings, weeeee <333. +1!
  18. False, I want more than just 1! :P The person below me likes to swim.
  19. Determination, why D; ....

    1. Rune


      Because he was Determined to go xD Maybe he'll be Determined to come back one day :3

    2. Lyris


      Let's hope for the latter!

  20. Lyris

    What If.

    If I could just turn back time, I would like to go back to 2 years ago before all this happened.
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