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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. False, I had KFC 3 days ago <3! The person below me is angry while replying to me.
  2. False. The person below me has a thing for cats.
  3. I m so tempted to change it xD
  4. Welcome back. (:
  5. False. The person below me thinks he/she is HOT.
  6. Lyris

    nice picture xD

  7. False. The person below me is a girl.
  8. False. The person below me just woke up from a nap/sleeping.
  9. Lyris

    What If.

    If I could tell you face to face, I would say that I would only do it to a female's wardrobe :D
  10. Bababababaaaaaa. <3

  11. Lyris

    What If.

    If it's lawful to commit Arson, I wouldn't hesitate to burn down your wardrobe! xD *evil grin*
  12. Lyris

    Ehehehe. I just wanted to remain

    your silent stalker xD!

    ....H..H..Hiiii!!!!!! *^*

  13. Lyris

    What If.

    If I knew what you were thinking, I wouldn't have done what I did.
  14. TRUE. The person below me just had something delicious for a meal!
  15. False. The person below me loves Music.
  16. Lyris

    What If.

    If everything in this world can be simplified, we wouldn't need the word "stress" or "sigh" in our lives.
  17. Though I agree on the color change which would attract more publicity on the wing, this would most likely only make impact on the fashionable side of the community who wouldn't mind paying extra for a nicely colored wing (let's say the effects of the wings were not enhanced). Unless the mode/pvp tokens amount of which the wings can be obtained is drastically changed, I don't think people would choose to get them over a Sacred Wing which is at least 3k upwards (except for SGW). On the color changes, +1. On the implementation of it (including effects change/ reduced pvp tokens amount/ making it questable), I think it's not too ideal to make that much changes on an existing wing which has basically not established its market value so far.
  18. Lyris

    What If.

    There are alot of things in life which we hope we were a part of but it never came true, or simply just out of our league. Or even If something came true but wasn't at all satisfying/ didn't turn out well, do tell! It's time to share! Just start your statement with the word "If" I'll start; If fantasies do exist, I'd love to marry a prince and live happily ever after! xD.
  19. U better, Mint! 1456
  20. True, true, true! :D The person below me loves the color BLUE.
  21. False. The person below me likes foot massages. >:D
  22. And You told me who I am.... I am yours.

    1. Mint


      Hi yours! O.o <3

    2. Lyris


      Hahaha nice one though, +1!

  23. YOU KNOW ITS TRUE ! :D The person below me likes to smile (:
  24. False. The person below likes to eat Marshmallows? D:
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