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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. This has already been resolved, thank you everyone for your input. :)
  2. There isn't enough support for this and it seems unneccessary. Thank you for your suggestion in any case though. :)
  3. We can look into doing this, sure. I'll discuss it with Genesis. Thanks for your suggestion.
  4. We'll keep this in the back of our minds and may do little voting events like these in the future, but for now, 10 vote points a day is already a lot. :) We also added new vote items for people, yay!
  5. Not enough community support for this to happen, sorry. Thanks for your suggestion, though!
  6. Gunslingers are already fine as is, as the community has said here. Thanks for your suggestion though!
  7. People always suggest this and unfortunately we're not going to add the ability to autoloot specific item IDs other than the @ali command we already have. You can always use that or the method ZerO mentioned. :)
  8. If there's an issue with drops, please file a ticket about it so we can address it properly. Thanks! :)
  9. Use whodrops ingame, don't go by the guide on the wiki as that is for last year's. If drops aren't correct, you should make a ticket about it, not post here. :)
  10. The quest for Silver MvPs is located in lhz_dun01.
  11. This guide is for last year's quest, this one was re-made from scratch by Genesis. There is a 3rd goblin this year, he's in the same map, you just need to look for him. There are some important differences between the two.
  12. Welcome welcome! I'm sure you'll love it here. :) If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! Happy playing!
  13. Merry Christmas to all! :)

    1. Rayray


      Happy Christmas Vera :D

    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Merry Christmas remember to be online :3

  14. As players have already said, whitesmiths are fine currently and well off. :)
  15. We're going to do this, thanks!
  16. We've been discussing this and I think we'd be more likely to add a hatred reset NPC rather than disable a bunch of their skills. It'd need to be tested to make sure it's balanced, but we know a lot of people like star glads so we're going to try to make them a more viable class. :) Thanks everyone for their thoughtful input on this.
  17. I really like the concept behind this and perhaps we can incorporate it in some new and original way, but I think it could create signifcant balance problems as it's suggested here. Nonetheless, thanks for your thoughtful comments! :)
  18. We can definitely add the hunter cap as some kind of a reward. What would people want: vote, event, quest or what? Let's discuss that! Your other suggested items are nice but we don't currently have spriters who can really make new sprites. :(
  19. There isn't enough support for this and we've discussed this in detail in the past and I think almost every time the community has reached a consensus that the SP they have is fine. Someone can feel free to make another topic if they feel as though it's problematic.
  20. There isn't enough support for this and as some already pointed out, it could be unbalanced. Regardless, thanks for your suggestion!
  21. Already done, thanks for your suggestion!
  22. You enter it by talking to the snowman in Forsaken City.
  23. There isn't really a point to this, just chat with your friends on Skype or other messengers. It doesn't really belong on the forums for a game that appeals to many age groups, including younger players.
  24. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion, we're going to look into this some more and discuss it and see if we can improve the forum structure or incorporate your suggestions! :)
  25. We're already looking into this, thank you for your suggestion! :)
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