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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Damascus

  1. Ocarina of Time.
  2. Damascus

    Scary shit!

    Thought this said scary shirt.
  3. Damascus


    I never really even knew Thomas that good. o_o
  4. Damascus


    He'll be back. 1+1+1=3
  5. Damascus


    His name was thomas? 1+1=2
  6. Damascus


    +1 Bye !
  7. Mas De Ti - Dandyel
  8. I just remembered. I buy leeches, I don't level anymore.
  9. Of course it's blurry, it's supposed to be in a dream. ): You've never had ' sharp ' dreams right? ;; I hope not at least. Thanks for the ratings. :D
  10. ALRIGHT. I haven't seriously photoshopped in a while, again. So I decided to give it a go without a render this time. Tell me how it came out D: In Audio the O isn't bolded because this signature is also representing my new Creator Audi. Audi - Audio... Get it? Please Crit & Rate it.
  11. I'm buying Poison Bottle Tickets ( EDP Tickets ). Leave your offers/ratio here along with your in-game name. You may PM me by any name found in my signature. Current most actives; Damascus and Damascus.exe I'm buying in high amounts.
  12. I think I have the picture in another angle. And the GM that has the name blotted out is Hiei.
  13. Mine are rather unbelievable but no matter how ' intelligent ' I have tried to seem, apparently science cannot prove ghosts to not be real, but they're rather referred as phenomenons instead. Alright I'll start off- When I was around 12 years old this woman that used to live downstairs of the apartment had died in the same apartment. This was all located in 28 Armstrong Street of Boston, Massachussetts. As a matter of fact there was a fire in that building and multiple people have died there thus being that it originally had no paint when we moved in, they painted it while I was living in the apartment. On with the story I was going to my backyard to play when all of a sudden I began to fell ill and felt like going back in but being ignorant as I am, I kept walking and started my steps down the stairs. In just around 4 seconds everything blacked out and I felt airborne of some sort. In around 1 second after the black out I woke up down the steps in front of the apartment door of the woman that died. I was still in the backyard but I was in her porch as if I walked there some sort of way. I checked myself for scars and stuff and didn't have nothing, not even an impact scratch or any skin bruises nor abnormal colors on my skin. Nothing. This obviously means that something moved me. I was scared half shitless and ran all the way down to my backyard and used it as an exit to leave my house's vicinity. I didn't go into my house for about 4 days. I slept over my friend's house and my parents brought the clothing. Unfortunately none of these stories are believable unless I took a video of it or had some literally feel and touch proof of the phenomenon. So yeah, I too believe in ghosts, phantoms and all of that crap. Since apparently I've got a couple more stories but I've got to go to work. :(
  14. She looks like a Digimon of some sort. I wish I was Koromon. :( P.S: The hair looks torquise ( Or however you spell it ) and it kind of makes you look brighter(?) Brighter not being used in the terms of intelligence
  15. Just like my school.
  16. Render, Colors. Text...?
  17. Just imagine it together... Not broke into pieces.
  18. Damascus


    I REPORTED IT TO ZEITGEIST AND GENESIS THEY DID NOT ASK ME TO FIGHT. Are you retarded Yusuke? No wait, bad question. Case Closed- Thread deserves to be closed. Yusuke is simply lost in assumptions.
  19. I leveled every character of mine in lhz_dun03.
  20. Damascus


    He's wizardry for fucks sake. He always puts a space after a coma and he's like, 12 years old. Quit crying so much over his cause. He did something wrong, so he payed for it. It's called Law and Order. SVU. K?
  21. Dice is simple to hold. Now that there aren't skills enabled either nor FCP it's much easier to kill players.
  22. Damascus


    Hello and Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online. I hope you enjoy your stay in the server, I swear you'll like it D;. If you've got any questions or concerns in regard to the server or RO itself feel free to PM my new character Audi for assistance or ask me in the forums. Hope to find you in-game. Please do identify yourself as 'FemLelouch' from the forums if I find you in a PvP area. I do not randomly PK in the Fields though unless I see someone constantly res-killed, ganged or I see 1 person slaughtering everybody. Have fun !
  23. Dice should be easy now for new GMs. Try holding it back then when you had to @kill everybody. I didn't apply for any position. Far too much drama for me to bother with it. Hope we get good forum moderators that have no drama with any player. Trust me some people can't hold grudges to themselves so they're dumb enough to use an authorative power against their ' enemy '.
  24. Damascus


    They never asked me to fight him. I 'fought' with him out of my own action, I just reported everything to Zeit and Genesis. He was not able to be a GM. Case of this discussion is closed. He is envies others too much to bother for that position, he envies them so much that he'd rather jepoardize everyone in order for his own gain and he's too immature. This thread deserves to be Closed because it's lost its purpose. P.S: Yeah, I get into arguments with people sometimes to see how well they can cope with the situation. If they're GMs and I know their legits I test them the most. You know how I am about having corrupt or unprepared GMs. No, Jewel is not a GM. By the way: This is the best damn freaken server in the entire Ragnarok Online Private Server System. None of our GMs say ' u ' at least anymore and the players as well as GMs can cope with eachother. This server has flourished extremely well from when I first started here. It offers everything you'd want from a server... except new names to kill in PvP. ._.;
  25. Apparently... She is. Walshey, please don't beat your meat to this picture. I don't want to know that my post is the cause of your masturbation. Too bad my pictures are already.
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