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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Damascus

  1. Combat if you find Soy a.k.a Amiti online, please KoS her thanks. Welcome to fkRO (Forsaken not Fuck ;x) Hope you enjoy this server, It's crazy hot so far.
  2. Damascus


    You could say nlRO in this server since nlRO is a joke here, we laugh at it, we don't fear pservers ;o Welcome Defiance ! About time we meet again, Hope your computer is fixed for good.
  3. Feel free to PM Damascus or annoy Terminus any time, and Welcome to fkRO; The forbidden reality.
  4. Ah, alright then. Lets make those days worth a while and wreck the server's PvPability. (kill nearly everyone) ;x
  5. I'm back. So far I suck. Where'd everyone go and why'd Kinketsu go faggy and quit on us? ;x Pat you're never on, mainly when I get owned.
  6. - Mon Dec 18 17:01:43 2006 Repatch kRO/kSak. Update it.
  7. Damascus


    You know me nga ;x Welcome to fkRO hoe, Enjoy your stay, and please... 1 bed a night.
  8. That'd be because fkRO > nlRO. nlRO is corrupt and retarded and has it's GMs chosen by in-game popularity and if you're a "female".
  9. Damascus

    Gm App

  10. Hi baby ;] no homo :ph34r: Enjoy your stay in fkRO sorry for me resonding late. ;x
  11. All those skills require assistance with a Dancer or Gypsy
  12. Damascus


    Hey, Sup there and welcome to fkRO, Yes it sounds like FuckRO but it's ForsakenRO. Enjoy.
  13. Damascus

    Gm App

    We read it not listened. :)
  14. Hey nerdzilla you put Mario Cap twice in the Event Coupons thread ):

  15. y hello thar hows it been? and with the server? Good fun in it. I'll be re-joining soon.

  16. I did quit :]

    But I'm coming back soon. iRO ate my soul for a bit.

  17. OI. Whats a Lunar? =|

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