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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Damascus

  1. Uhh. o_o.

    Oops? I'll tell them to stop. Tell me the names of those that KoS you.

  2. Damascus


    I have to keep practicing until I get it right. D: Fixed version below Final Version. Latest work.
  3. [image removed] :mellow:
  4. You couldv'e just deleted the foul language instead of the entire sentence. If I was clear then why did you bother posting back about it though. It's not an opinion that adding the chat blocker would fix the issue, it's a fact.
  5. iRO did it and it handled their problem.
  6. fRO improved by this? If you really want it improved then make a suggestion for a Chat Blocker like in iRO. Instead of fuck; you recieve a red message in your chat filter saying something like ' Sorry buddy, foul language detected '. Then it's solved. Instead of ranting about the swears. Lol.
  7. Jewel, I know what you were saying. RO or Reality, you wouldn't do much. You can't do much but rant. You both just want a false vision. Something untrue, not real. Won't happen unless you become world leaders or something. Which in that case, won't happen. Also: I never read forum posts. I never have, since day 1 since most of what people post is just stupid. Or false. Either one. You could say what I post stupid, but am I asking for everyday words to be considered forbidden? Hell no. You don't have to put up with other's rudeness. You could just simply leave, or not read. It's simple. You're not obliged to read everything, so don't do it. It's your choice.
  8. Damascus

    Hi/Bonjour =D

    Oui ! Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online ! I hope you enjoy this server, it's very multi-cultural so don't be afraid of it, we all get along :] I passed French with a D-.
  9. You'd have sex with your own sister? Gross.
  10. Hmmm... Sounds like a plan. I'll pass. :(
  11. Me Siento Solo - Nova y Jory ft. El Vakero This song is so sad, it's so cute <3
  12. You could like.. get surgery and be like me (:
  13. Yah, I be having fun with my gay camera phone too. Maybe they don't complain because you're a girl.
  14. No child could say that they learned swears off of Forsaken Ragnarok Online because you know that people say this shit out in the streets. I live in the projects, urbanized to the max. This woman was saying ' Getcho ass hea kid befo' I get yo fuckin' dad ' to her 6 year old kid. Just the other day there was a daycare thing going as a group to the trainstation. Some crackhead yelled ' You're out of your fucking mind ' while laughing at his friend. The children looked at him, aware of what he said obviously. They've possibly learned the new word. The line should be drawn if it offends you / is directed to you. You're an adult and obviously have heard these swears. The majority of the people here regardless of the game, will learn swears, theres no way to avoid it. The choice is yours whether to use them or not. It is also yours to ask people to shut up. My point being, don't be a saint or discuss a lost cause. Take action on your own. If someone harasses you, report it. They'll be punished. If you don't want people swearing... Lol.. go to Mars. Edit: tbh; my friends told me about 2girls1cup. Now they drew the line.
  15. And you guys say I take a lot of photos. Mhmm Capri. >:(
  16. Me Siento Solo - Nova y Jory ft. El Vakero
  17. Offended ! How so. ):

  18. I was joking. Loser. ;;

  19. [GROSS]
  20. Eso No Se Vale - Trebol Clan
  21. We need more players. PvP oriented players. Not enough for WoE, we keep having that 1 powerful guild built by the same players that continue grouped up. If this promotional video succeeds, we could break that issue. I'm with you on this one CombatMuffins.
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