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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. True! TPBM loves pandas!
  2. Thank you!! :D
  3. Haruka

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but then there was a hail storm and your house got destroyed.. I wish for a bowl of ramen! *-*
  4. Wow thanks guys! :) I wonder if it's possible to be changed!
  5. Maybe like this? :p Just trying~
  6. I want that card *-* +1 !
  7. Haruka

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but the kitties turned savage and ate you :( :( I wish I could fly !
  8. Haruka

    Green Emp

    Hi~ Buying a Green Emp Leave your offers or PM me on Sentient Thank you :]
  9. Hi Welcome to the server :D I hope you have fun playing here :)
  10. My AntiVirus keeps deleting the all in one saying it's not safe q.q sigh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eternal Life

      Eternal Life

      -bam bam bam- But u will fix it :)

    3. Haruka


      I hope :p not pro like you *cough*pc*cough*

    4. Eternal Life

      Eternal Life

      Just 2 Of my favor words Shreya just for you, feel free to guess :)

  11. Haruka


    How much is Odins? :p
  12. Haruka


    I'll buy your Rop, when are you on? And on which char? ;o Never mind x.x
  13. Your dp <3 ahh :3

    1. Caesious


      You love that? <3 So we love him? Huehue

    2. Haruka


      Yes n___n and and LHK and JGS :3

  14. Haruka


    Buying Odin's Avenger Any Rune of Power Leave offers here or PM me in game on Sentient Thank you~
  15. Yep just trying random numbers :p
  16. If we take 983 - 895 = 88 And add up the digits of both numbers 9 + 8 + 3 = 20 8 + 9 + 5 = 22 => 20 - 22 = 88 I think this is it o.o Idk xD
  17. Nice update! New maps look amazing :D
  18. Love those hats!! +1 !!
  19. Haruka


    Hi ! It's not much but yeah. Selling Blue Love Aura Orange Emperium White Balloon Buying Magic Stone Hat Forsaken Professor Book Leave your offers or PM me in game on Propitious Thank you~
  20. Haruka


    Oooooh Quotes :D My favourite one is : "My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends- It gives a lovely light!" -Edna St.Vincent Millay
  21. Welcome Back :D :D ToB !!!
  22. Happy Birthday fRO ! :D Wow 5 years already :) :)
  23. Happy Birthday :D

    1. Levis


      Thank youuuuuuuuuu

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