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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Woah it's still not out? O.o Where are juu Ethereal??? Q__Q
  2. @Kaboom I think so ? O.o... Anyway Wish granted but then he turns on you and EATS YOU O.O I wish i wasn't bored
  3. ^Granted but the wish turns into a non-corrupted wish because you wanted it to be corrupted er... I wish I wasn't sick
  4. Heyy :)

    Karate Kid was EPIC O_O

    Imma go watch it again lOL

  5. ^ Granted , you find a better answer to life but fate prevents you from doing anything, and you lose your hair (LOL) I wish my best friend wasn't emo.
  6. Ahaha true I guess lol TPBM wants a cake baked by me O_O
  7. :O
  8. Haruka

    Favorite Bands

    I don't have just one favorite ABBA,Bowling for Soup,Coldplay,The Eagles,Linkin Park, Super Junior, Green Day , Asian Kung Fu Generation And many more :p
  9. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    Apparently the worldwide release is today xD Well for most countries :]
  10. I miss the days when I was little and sitting next to a boy in class wasn't considered "something else" He was my best friend . . . Q_Q
  11. ^ O.o... Okey.. Well 'IF' it's going to happen I guess I'd just go to sleep a few minutes before it occurs so I can die a painless death :p (<-- If that's possible >.< ) Or I guess I'd just , stay with my family and thank God for the life I've had :) Well anyway I don't believe it's gonna happen x3 so :) :)
  12. Haruka

    Hey Everyone

    Hi there :) Hope you have a nice time playing fRO ^^
  13. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    :happystrange: I'm so happy :D :D I'm watching it tomorrow ~ Can't wait to see Jackie :D :D
  14. Finally done >.< Kay here goes Anime: Sasuke Uchiha <3 from Naruto Hand drawn Except for the eyes Resource: http://media.photobucket.com/image/sasuke%...3-1.jpg%3Fo%3D2 Rest of it was colored and edited in Photoshop IGN: Haruka.
  15. Haruka - I guess I saw the name somewhere a really long time ago (maybe while looking for names for my cousin :3 ) Then I started dreaming up my own character for Naruto and 'Haruka' just popped into my mind ;) Ever since I've really liked the name besides Haruka Uchiha sounds good ;D Ehehe <3 Sasuke <3 Oh Yea Haruka means Distance or Far off I felt that the name had a deep meaning (another reason for liking it so much)
  16. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    Oh Yea!!! Jaden Smith!! Btw It releases here tomorrow ;D
  17. Oh nice one Hannah :D :D
  18. Sorry,Sorry - Super Junior
  19. Haruka

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary I'm now in high school.I probably should be happy and yet I dread every moment of it The End
  20. Yay!!!! Anime <3 <3
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