I don't have just one favorite
ABBA,Bowling for Soup,Coldplay,The Eagles,Linkin Park, Super Junior, Green Day , Asian Kung Fu Generation
And many more :p
Okey.. Well 'IF' it's going to happen I guess I'd just go to sleep a few minutes before it occurs
so I can die a painless death :p (<-- If that's possible >.< )
Or I guess I'd just , stay with my family and thank God for the life I've had :)
Well anyway I don't believe it's gonna happen x3 so :) :)
Finally done >.<
Kay here goes
Anime: Sasuke Uchiha <3 from Naruto
Hand drawn
Except for the eyes
Resource: http://media.photobucket.com/image/sasuke%...3-1.jpg%3Fo%3D2
Rest of it was colored and edited in Photoshop
IGN: Haruka.
Haruka - I guess I saw the name somewhere a really long time ago (maybe while looking for names for my cousin :3 )
Then I started dreaming up my own character for Naruto and 'Haruka' just popped into my mind ;)
Ever since I've really liked the name besides Haruka Uchiha sounds good ;D Ehehe
<3 Sasuke <3
Oh Yea Haruka means Distance or Far off
I felt that the name had a deep meaning (another reason for liking it so much)