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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. ZOMG come on would you?? -.-

  2. Hahaha I'm okay,

    Thank you :3

    You won't be on much?? Why not ??D: D:

    We can't let it end short >.< !!!

    So we'll keep messaging here :D :D

  3. Haruka


    HI :D Have a nice time playing fRO
  4. Haii :D watchuu upto? :3

  5. Kay then my turn!!! :D Here goes I took the football picture from here: http://www.worldcupyears.com/merchandise/s...fifa%20ball.jpg Rest of it was hand drawn and edited on photoshop :) IGN: Haruka.
  6. Thank you, I'll do better next week :)
  7. I added the Background >_> Is it accepted then? :O
  8. Heyy :)

    I'm doing good

    Just a bit confused these days :|

    Lets meet in-game sometime , Lol

  9. Hey :) Have fun during your time here at fRO :D
  10. Haiiiiiiiiiii :D

  11. Here it is :D IGN: Haruka. Resource: http://dawn42.deviantart.com/art/four-seas...asons&qo=20
  12. Haruka

    Marriage Npc

    Oh okay then :) Thank you
  13. Haruka

    Marriage Npc

    I was wondering , maybe if the NPC was fixed Then the GM's wouldn't be troubled with player's requests and the players wouldn't have to wait for the GM's to come on. Sometimes its hard for people to come online and stay on till A GM comes on. With the NPC fixed they could get it over with in five minutes or less. So how about it?
  14. So I'm first to vote , lol I vote for [7]Poringly, because the way the layers have been combined really appeals to me. Also the Thanatos wearing the Sombrero made me laugh.
  15. It really works :) Though, I still need to figure out how to use it /swt /swt /swt
  16. Haruka

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, Today I learnt that walking into a wall is not a pleasant feeling. The End P.S. Owwww QQ
  17. Thank you :D :D
  18. OMG Niro <3 yours :D
  19. I joined :D :D
  20. Thank you so much :D :D
  21. O.o Blank page
  22. Unbe , Link doesn't work o.O
  23. Hai !! How you doing? :3

  24. Ughh, At niro's house right now Shes watching a scary movie -_-

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