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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Di I need your help :'(

  2. Yeah :(

    worst part is , my mid term exams start next week @_@

  3. Hey!!!

    Sorry I didn't reply for a while ,

    been soo busy which is why ,

    I really really really hate high school with all my heart


  4. Uhm ok about my signature I made it for Niromi who's my best friend in real life , thanking her for all she's done for me The best childhood memory I have is meeting her, that's what the hands depict :)
  5. ^ Omigosh Wow !!!!!!! I love your siggys <3
  6. How about Marvel heroes? :) Like Fantastic Four , Spider-Man , The X-Men, The Avengers etc
  7. This is for Niromi :) The picture is mine :p Edited on photoshop :) IGN: Haruka.
  8. Here goes, :) Edited on Photoshop Sources: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=pac%20man&...fset=96#/dg8av0 http://www.mathpirate.net/log/wp-content/u...dBlueGhosts.jpg IGN: Haruka. I don't think the first link works so I uploaded the picture on tinypic: http://tinypic.com/r/oaoz9s/3 Hungry Pac Man by fuXorZ on Deviantart
  9. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    Lol yea, in the first Karate Kid he broke his knee or something and then one hit KO'ed his opponent XD
  10. Yeah .. But it's okay now :) I can always video chat with her ^^

    No it's not ... QQ

  11. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    Lol , watch it , it's really good :)
  12. Haruka

    Hi! I'm Thai.

    Hi :) Welcome to the server ^^
  13. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    ^ LOL !!!! Well, I think it's cause ...uh ... idk ._.
  14. Haruka

    The Heat.

    I went out on Monday morning , normal I came back on Monday evening , sunburnt -.-
  15. No thanks.. I think I'll just go lie down in my grave again ..

  16. I'm sad :'(

    One of my best friend's is moving to Detroit this Sunday QQ

  17. Your siggy's are amazing :D Can I get a siggy too? x3 This is my sprite :D Hair style and color= 31 , 3 ( Whichever is blue) Cloth color = 101 Can you make the background uhh blue and white with anything else you want to add (Cause your taste rocks) and with Haruka. written on it? x) xD Thank you :)
  18. Haruka

    Karate Kid 2010

    ^ Very talented :) Amazing movie btw
  19. Haruka

    This or that

    French Fries!!!! Japanese Pop or Korean Pop ? xD
  20. Haruka


  21. Source: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs4/300W/i/2004..._by_TroGLoD.jpg Aku from Samurai Jack IGN: Haruka.
  22. HaI ~~ xD

    How's it going? :D

  23. Heyy!!!!! You're on??

  24. I died , and now I'm alive again

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