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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rinn

  1. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    Seems like most of those I've run into are. The only ones who haven't been 100% douchebag to me are Gen0cide, two people who I knew from other servers, GM Wish, and now you (at least you answered my post... seems everyone else ignores my posts like I never wrote it). Was it this hard for you when you joined the server?
  2. Your teacher is a loon... Wanting to see her students succeed is one thing, but telling them to study until their eyes bleed? Remind me not to take my Criminal Justice courses anywhere near wherever it is you live and save me the psychoshit college professors.
  3. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    I just want to know why it is that it takes having an Elite or Forsaken Set and/or Donates for anyone on this server to acknowledge your existence enough to at least speak to you or be friends with you. Being new to a server kinda blows when you don't know anyone and it's worse when no one will give you the time of day just because you're new and aren't privileged enough to have a lot of money to donate for high-class equips, so you have to quest for yours (which takes time). All of you with really strong gears who snub "non-geared" newbies need to remember that you were new too and that it's not cool to outcast people just because of that. That's something called classism. So what is it that makes it such a problem to let new people into your circle? What's so wrong about the idea of acceptance? Are you afraid? I was just snubbed by two different guilds just because I don't have an Elite set or donates. I didn't know money = personality or talent. Being stuck on bed-rest with my pregnancy, I can't go out and see my friends, so all I have is my computer. All I want are friends and people to play with and WoE with so I don't go all cabin-fever batshit from lack of socialization. Is that so hard to ask?
  4. Rinn

    The Sweet Sig Shoppe

    Updated with guild emblem samples. Waiting for new commissions. Remember, my service is a flex-pay service - where you decide the price based on your satisfaction with the finished product.
  5. I'm glad everyone's found this useful to them ^.^
  6. Yes. I have to wonder where nodding your head doesn't mean "yes" though... TPBM believes in Santa Claus ^.^
  7. Rinn

    This or that

    5! Yankee Candle or Glade
  8. Rinn

    Dear Jorge

  9. Rinn

    This or that

    Kiss ~ ♥ Rockband or Guitar Hero?
  10. Rinn

    The Sweet Sig Shoppe

    Alright. Whenever you want me to work on it, let me know what you want - yours is on the house.
  11. I sent a message to the user who posted the video and she said she took the video from another user on YouTube. The video is titled and the animes used in the video are as follows: Ah! My Goddess (Movie) Air Akai Ito (PS2) Appleseed: Ex Machina (movie) ARIA The ANIMATION (TV) Ashita no Kimi to Au Tame ni (~Till I Reach Your Tomorrow~) (Game) Carnelian (Game) Chaos Wars (PS2) Chrono Crusade (TV) Clannad (TV) Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) ef - a tale of memories (TV) Ef - The Latter Tale (Game) Ergo Proxy (TV) GANTZ Gatekeepers Ghost in the Shell: GIG2 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Global Astroliner Gou (OVA) Godannar Gun X Sword Gunbuster 2 (Aim for the Top! 2) Haru no Ashioto (game) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (TV) Kiddy Grade (2nd Season promo) Macross Frontier (TV) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Melody of Oblivion Night Wizard (TV) Place Promised in Our Early Days, The (Beyond the Clouds) Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (Movie) Ray (TV) Real Drive (TV) REC (TV) Shakugan no Shana (TV) Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) Shining Force EXA (PS2) Sky Girls (TV) So long, Mr. Despair (TV) Starship Operators Third, The (TV) Tide-Line Blue To Heart 2 (PS2) Tokyo Underground W-Wish (Double Wish) Wild Arms 4 (Game) Xross Scramble (game) Ys I & II: Eternal Story (PS2) Zegapain (TV)
  12. Rinn

    This or that

    Extraordinary. Normal is boring D< Wavy chips or original style chips?
  13. Rinn

    The Sweet Sig Shoppe

    lol why not? I need to go hunt through my moving boxes for my Wacom tablet (yay we just moved!), so while I wait for your request, I can do that >>; I've got a sheit-ton of errands to do today, and won't be back till after 4PM. I can get started on it some time after then and should have it done and ready tonight.
  14. On the server I was Event Admin on before I came here, I came up with a type of "marathon" competition that we held every quarter year. It consisted of several parts and there was one for females, and eventually, we added one for males, so we weren't being sexist. Part One: Scavenger Hunt and Seek To join the competition, not only did we have each competitor sign up on the forums, we had one of the participating Admins/GMs hide on a map and we would give clues to their whereabouts. The first clue was in the form of having the players collect an item that drops from mobs on that map/area. The players would have to find the hiding Admin/GM and then deal them with the collected items. The first 20 would get into the next level. Part Two: Mirror Mirror on the Wall... The next level is all about looks and glam. How well are the players able to put themselves together? A panel of 5 Admin/GMs and 5 non-participating players would judge 1 - 10 (10 being best, 1 being worst). The 10 contestants with the highest scores would move on to the next round. Part Three: You Can't Fix Stupid You've got beauty, but do you have brains to back that up? This round is a trivia round, where each of the remaining contestants will be taken by a different GM and asked 5 different questions (worth 2 points each). The 4 out of those 10 with the highest scores will continue to the final round. Part Four: School Yard Brawl You guessed it - PvP. The last 4 still hanging on in the competition will be placed randomly in a 2-level PvP tournament. PvP is pretty self-explanatory. Rules would be at the discretion of the Staff, but some of the main rules we used included: if you're dead, you're dead - no redo's, no excuses. No healing, unless you have the skill enabled through an equip or class skill. No Cloak/Hide/Chase Walk for more than 5 seconds at a time (5 hidden, 5 visible before you may hide again). No Backsliding/Body Relocation (that's a sissy move in PvP). The winner is obviously the last one alive. Prize is to be decided by the Staff. Suggestion: Event Tickets and/or one non-donor item (no cards). The winner should be announced on the broadcast, and a little blurb added to the news section of the forums/website. I hope you like the idea and I really hope to see it used sometime (it's a lot of work to coordinate, but it's a load of fun) ^^
  15. I'm definitely all for @whodrops. It's much better than having to alt+tab and look it up on RMS.
  16. ♥ The Sweet Sig Shoppe ♥ Hello, and welcome to the Sweet Sig Shoppe. I'm Rin and I own this little shop. The Sweet Sig Shoppe is as the name states - it's a shop that sells signature banners. But, of course, that's not the only product service I offer. I also do custom character art, avatars and guild emblems at reasonable prices. I will explain more as you tour my humble store. Signature banners I make signature banners for your everyday forum browsing needs, to make your posts look awesome and stand out from everyone else's boring, bannerless posts. I do a variety of different styles, but I usually stick to non-animated styles, because I'm still learning the how-to's. However, I may try simple word animation depending on what it is and how hard it is to do. Avatars and Guild Emblems The micro side of personalization, from the tiny 24x24 .bmp images of your guild's emblem, to the 100x100 pixel pictures that represent you along side your signature banner on your forum posts. A guild's emblem is as important to the guild as their strength, being the first thing the opponent sees before their fate greets them, and is the image emblazoned on the flag of the victorious guild. Thus, it should be something wonderful and unique to stand out to all. Your avatar is an extension of you. Some people like to have their signature banners and avatars match! The Sweet Sig Shoppe can do that for you! Or if you like it a little mix and match and want something of a different flavor for your avatar, I can do that, too ^^ Avatar and Guild Emblem Samples: Custom Character Art To add to the list of my services, I also do custom character art. What is custom character art? You select your favorite out of your characters on ForsakenRO (or even an original character, for you creative ones out there), and I will draw them and color them for you. Should you request it, I can also do simple lineart for you to color in yourself. Product Pricing What's different about The Sweet Sig Shoppe is that here, I do a thing called "free-price" service. When you commission my art, I will ask no payment until I show you the finished (watermarked) product. At that point, it's up to you, the buyer, how much to pay me. However much you deem the piece to be worth is what you pay. I know not everyone has 20 Donation Coupons to spend and I want my service to be open to everyone who wishes to use it - rich or poor, veteran or newbie. This is The Sweet Sig Shoppe Promise! Thank you so much for visiting, I look forward to doing business with you in the future and making your world just a little sweeter! For art requests, simply post here (no spam, please) with what type of art you want, and any images you would like used and/or specifications for the piece.
  17. Nope, I posted today O: (cashmere socks are really comfy, by the way... if you like soft, warm socks, try em - great for cold winter nights) TPBM likes Coke more than they like Pepsi
  18. O__O Wow...
  19. Not totally true, but not totally false. TPBM likes cashmere socks.
  20. Rinn

    This or that

    Bad <3 Milk or Chocolate Milk
  21. Rinn

    Character Name

    lol thanks xD?
  22. Rinn

    Character Name

    Ok o_o ... Kudos to you on your wide and colorful vocabulary. Thanks to you, I learned a new word.
  23. Check out http://www.googlegooglegooglegoogle.com It's the researcher's guide to awesome! The college student's dream! It's got four (4) separate Google search engines on the same screen, for your browsing convenience! Now you don't have to shuffle through four tabs on your browser - because they're all on the same page! Some websites like ratemyserver.net don't work with this though (RMS expands to a full page and navigates you away from googlegooglegooglegoogle. I currently have Facebook, Forsaken-RO's main page, Wikipedia and Google up on googlegooglegooglegoogle and it works fine. Give it a try ^^
  24. Rinn


    Welcome to fRO! You seriously sound like a younger (by two years) version of me lol Here's a picture of my kitten ^^
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