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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icon

  1. Icon

    B> Hydras.

    for some reason people think the 100:1 rule applies to hydra
  2. Icon

    Imma Bye bye?

    bye nao! join tran's super awesome new guild then go inactive have fun :D
  3. Icon

    B> Hydras.

    3k : 4
  4. Icon

    Count To 3,000! ;d

    i stared at Feitan's sig for .530 seconds before realizing what it was :D
  5. lol ... it figures, you would know :P I know what it is ...... it's HILARIOUS!
  6. it doesn't matter ... i don't think it matters ... it shouldn't matter as long as you have what's listed ... :D
  7. average price of donation coupons = 25,000,000 zeny GTB = 25-30 coupons Dark Lord = 15-20 coupons
  8. Icon

    GM Trivia

    GM's of the past ... please don't list their legits because most of them still play and they can add that bit of info. if they feel like [GM]Colagua [GM]Rainless ... later known as [GM]Ethereal [GM]Ethereal ... known for her badass GFX [GM]Thermistocles ... is that spelled right? [GM]Sublime ... He has nice hair. [GM]Hiei [GM]Fall [GM]Oath [GM]Exalt [GM]Episcopal ... known for his love of pink shirts and cheesecake /lv [GM]Trochilidae [GM]Paz [GM]Milhouse [GM]Gargantua [GM]Cloud [GM]Heaven [GM]Fate [GM]Allure [GM]Amorous [GM]Splee [GM]Lithium [GM]Athena [GM]Lionheart [GM]Defiance ... slit his GM's wrist and settled into the MODsquad :D [GM]Lotus ... the GM that never was?! wow .... i didn't think i could name that many and i'm sure there's a couple i forgot EDIT :: OMFG RYOJI!!!! you forgot [GM]Relinquish!!!!!! /deleteforums
  9. ahh .. good times
  10. i never thought i'd catch myself wishing i was a drunk tard. /lv
  11. Icon

    Skill Update Idea

    first ... anything that has to do with making HW's better is fine with me secondly ... EDP ONLY LASTS 1 MINUTE! I HAVE A FREAKIN' STOPWATCH YO! /heh
  12. Welcome to fRO and the forums! Hope you enjoy the server. If you need anything or have any questions just ask Samantha or any of the other helpful people. :D
  13. haha, oops ... i worded it better :P
  14. If only you were gay and into old white guys. /dreams /heh Everytime I see this pic I think of the dude from Super Troopers that ate all the shrooms. /lv
  15. I think I just got called old in a very subtle way. /lv
  16. does anyone else feel left out? /heh
  17. copy/paste the IMG Code ... that should do the trick
  18. dang ... i woulda took more time on mine if i knew we had this long :P these things are usually only open for 2 days so i rushed
  19. where's ami's entry? lol
  20. stock
  21. Icon

    Same Sex Marriage

    it might be the wrong way to look at it BUT ... as soon as all the old people die off the gay population will finally get their freedoms ... didn't the supreme court rule on this already? how can they make it illegal when 1000's of gay people already got married under the supreme court's ruling? these idiots are scared of something and noone wants to be the first to make it 100% okay ... as soon as someone does the rest of the lemmings/politians will fall in line ..
  22. 100 coupons is WAY too much for such an easily rigged event. Besides that there's only a handful of good artists on our forums. The people in-game have no way of knowing about this game/event. If a GM were to broadcast this in-game they'd get bombarded with requests for real events. .... I think the prize should be lowered to keep people from winning with crappy sigs by their friends voting for them. And if I went to far with the 'friends voting for them' part ... maybe it's not their friends .. it's like holding a wine tasting contest with a bunch of drunks and 2 real critics ... does that make sense? Either the prize needs to be lowered.... The entire server should be aware of this via the welcome message .. or Make it a Sig Of The Month so that it's actually worth 100 coupons .. since this event usually only happens once a month the latter idea isn't too far fetched p.s. that last SOTW was *expletive deleted* .. no offense intended .. just an observation
  23. Icon

    hi new here

    Welcome to fRO and the forums! Our Admins are top notch! Nothing to worry about there. I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
  24. you didn't give a due-date. 15 people at the most know what he looks like and so far there's only 1 serious entry the Unabomber is a joke in case you didn't know ...
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