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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icon

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5ua6mi3gw8
  2. :D ... I figured that I'd been gone long enough.
  3. wb !
  4. you have to use VERY specific puncuations and VERY poor grammar ...
  5. Icon

    Happy B'day !

    Happy Birthday Mike! .. aka Double Blades/Dragon/Sir Psycho/toypuppets
  6. you're working DEX more than STR right? (some ppl don't know)
  7. feel free to post what you did to celebrate the new year .. woke all my kids up @ 11:30 .. we made like 2 gallons of dip(kind of a tradition) .. went outside @ midnite .. popped fireworx for like 2 hours(didn't realize how much i had leftover from july 4th lol) started a bonfire .. let the kids shoot my .22 .. blew some shit up .. and we all howled at the moon .. went to bed around 6 or 7 .. woke up about 2 hours later with 2 COLD feet in my face, someone drooling on my arm, and the third laying on my back .. oh yea, and the whole time my kids were acting like fools cuz they were "drunk" off of grape juice hahaha .. was priceless happy new year everyone!
  8. lol .. it's that too .. it's the RO default transparency color
  9. ND mix A = STR,AGI,VIT + 10 ND mix B = DEX,INT,LUK + 10
  10. mspaint is fine .. you don't have all the brushes and special effects like PS but you can still make good sigs n emblems red 255 green 0 blue 255 this is the invisible color
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W9EOhy5J6A
  12. some would argue that it's not worth it but i would suggest doing the elite arrow quest since you're a sniper.. of course someone will pop in saying the damage isn't worth the time spent questing but IMO every advantage is worth it .. and possibly the non-donation belt quests if you don't already have some
  13. TY TY TY for not going any further down! lol
  14. I'm not positive if it's for all classes, but i've noticed that most Elite Boots and Elite Cloaks can't be sold to NPCs.
  15. Icon

    Im Backkk

    Welcome back! she said what i wanted to say :(
  16. My best guess would have to be peak hours. It's like driving during rush hour vs. driving at 4 am. rush hour (wall to wall cars) 4 a.m. (nothin but me and the guy that has to go to work and make donuts) Basically, less traffic on your service provider and the server = an optimal ping.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGF4AG9JqDg
  18. thanks all .. it's supposed to be a mix between a sun hat and a cloche .. got any ideas? (the kat hat lol) srsly! boredom, coffee, and my laptop = this for me, heh thx, but i have to give credit to anime and tattoo artists for all the ideas : ) sweeet~ .. it's one of my favorites too! i have like 20 more different beanies/baseball caps with different themes and logos .. it's like a manly way to play dress-up with my RO sprites HA!
  19. so .. yep .. got bored again (didn't really think about naming everything until i posted this, but i'll try) ... with the wings, i went with an apocalyptic theme; (top to bottom) 1. Destitution Wings (famine just sounded weird) 2. Conquest Wings 3. Pestilence Wings 4. War Wings 5. Death Wings (or Black Death Wings) ... hats, hoods, helms; (left to right) 1. Neko Mimi Hood (my version) 2. Red Night Cap (old fashioned sleeping cap thing) 3. Zero Helm (code geass) 4. Floral Hairband 5. Beanies!!! (i saw a display of tons of beanies and i liked it) 6. ^ 7. Neliel Helm (bleach, arrancar/hollow masks; made quite a few of these) 8. Black Rider Helm/Celty Helmet (durarara; threw it in there for fun,not shadowed,not finished) 9. A cute hat I tried to emulate 10. Side Cap/Garrison Cap (generally worn by Air Force or flight crews) .. basically everything is still in the concept phase and only a few are completely sprited, i just wanted to get some community opinions/feedback and see where i'm going next
  20. Icon


    there's something about you that makes me want to touch myself
  21. thx ; )
  22. character select screen .. delete button .. enter email address .. confirm .. done ..
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