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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icon

  1. wat u talken bout men?? u r de bom diggity .. me tinkz u'd maek teh awwsum ge em ///////////////////// can i post my app here? my e-mail isn't working /heh
  2. Icon


    Welcome to fRO and the forums!! There's lots of friendly people here, I'm not one of them. Hehehe. If you ever need anything then feel free to post a question or ask almost anyone.
  3. lol ... this is a perfect example of how OP'ing gets started ... pm me or leave your asking price for the set .. ill buy it
  4. Tell me what you want and I'll most likely pay it. I don't like playing the offer game.
  5. Icon

    Public Hair

    do it! ... I do (there's a lot less spitting if ya know what i mean /winkwinknudgenudge) as far as girls go .. i dont want a 9yr old .. i just want them to trim their bush shave that stuff .. not all of it .. make sure to leave me a landing strip or a nice lightning bolt or my initials /heh if i have to go in there with a machete and do it myself, by god I will ... and yea ... public /heh ...
  6. It wouldn't hurt to add this to one of the NPCs but the price to buy would have to be upwards of 4k a piece since merchants can overcharge and sell them to NPCs for around 3k. To be honest though, the time spent collecting things to sell just to buy the potions could be spent just collecting the potions off of the mobs that drop them.
  7. Icon

    Eri's Cookie House

    wtf? no cookies? that's worse than a rick roll ... /heh
  8. Icon

    Reika's Sketches :)

    chibi ken-pachi ... so cute
  9. The NPC to start the quest is near the bottom right side of the for_fild01 map. I can't remember the warp.
  10. Icon

    Vote Redeemer

    have you tried collecting the coupons on a different character
  11. Icon

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Oh man, has it been 20 years already? I remember having this same conversation about FF2 a LONG time ago. IMO, Squaresoft should've changed the name after FF3(nintendo)/FF6(famicom). The only aspects of the game that are left intact are ... ummm ... can't think of anything other than Bahamut(he's always hiding somewhere in FF), but my point was that game has changed way too much to still carry the Final Fantasy name. ''But it's evolving!'' pif and w/e Squaresoft forever !! ENIX ruined FF !! Go back to Dragon Warrior ENIX !! Oh yea! They can't go back because they changed the dynamics of that game too! (i actually fell in love with ENIX before Squaresoft but FF beat the pants off of Crystalis) (( that ^ was referring to an older system and game probably outdated before most of you were born)) ((( and that ^ should've said that it was referring to NES))) ((((NES = Nintendo Entertainment System)))) (((((for those that don't know, NES is like the great, great, great granddaddy of the Wii))))) OH NO! I'm ranting! *runs out the door screaming, "OMG IM OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!!!!!!"*
  12. Icon

    Help me out ...

    That was it. I guess I got in a hurry on the last one. :P Thank you!
  13. Icon

    Help me out ...

    okay .. i like .. made this thing, right? actually i made a few of them .. i was changing them all from .bmp to .spr ..... everything worked fine on all but 1 of the images .. It says .... " Bitmaps must be uncompressed,in 256 color format " Does that mean I have to start all over again with a different pallette?
  14. Icon


    i hate collecting matyr cards ! i love my elite staff ! ive done that quest 3 times so far and working on the fourth .. i think the best place for matyrs is moc_pryd04 .. it doesn't have the highest spawn rate but the map is an open square and it's easy, for me, to just walk in circles .. c_tower3 is a good alarm spot ... and none of my staffs are for sale :(
  15. manipulating my favorite appendage /gg
  16. i did a crappy 45 second photoshop session and it wouldn't look too bad on a GS .. and since they're the only ones that use bullets it should be acceptible to make it specific to their class only ... regardless of where it's worn it would still be suitable to call it an ammo belt +10% aspd +20 MDEF ... cuz GS's need it -5% damage on demi-human ... 1% chance for beserk /heh
  17. Icon

    unwanted's store

    Int belt please ... pm me or mike
  18. I was scared to watch. :P I'm glad that you don't 'rock out with your out'. *ready for v2.0*
  19. Icon


    i said 'unless EVERYONE .... blablablablablah' unless : Except on the condition that; except under the circumstances that: /hmm, I wonder if Everyone is already taken as a forum name
  20. Icon

    Yah I'm spriting

    is that from the satan morocc spritesheet? :P
  21. Icon


    okay ... explain what you didn't understand cheaper ygg equals better in your POV more expensive equals better in my POV
  22. Icon


    nothing about this is going to influence the economy unless EVERYONE wants to get a hat and therefore EVERYONE will have plenty of yggs which will essentially lower the already low prices of ygg tickets .. i mean .. ygg tix are already 3:1 or 4:1 ... and that was because of the forsaken dungeon, right? if everyone farms the dungeon .. and everyone has yggs ... the price for them will keep dropping ... that =/= better economy ....... i don't mind the hats, really, but they should only have minimal effects(+1 or +2) if any at all make people work for the good effects ... please
  23. Icon

    Yah I'm spriting

    it looks cool, don't get me wrong i just found the quotes lol'worthy :D
  24. Icon


    spawns in fdun low??? even genesis has replied to that suggestion with a 'they're fine'. lack of ygg berries??? what lack of ygg berries??? "B> ygg tix pm me" *pm flood* but since you're going to do it anyway ..... no effects on the hats please .. even if it's a drop of .01% ... won't take long to acquire +2 all stats if anything ... save the good effects for the good gears
  25. Icon

    Yah I'm spriting

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