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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Lightofheaven

  1. haii Welcome to fRo ;)
  2. 228 :D
  3. welcome to fRo
  4. 217
  5. 215
  6. Hi guys thats what i mean becuz more people like to fit the colors of there Aura, etc etc and this suggestion would be better = )
  7. -1 for dis thing
  8. Hi everyone =) i would like to suggest a infernal cape color changer. Infernal Capes Colors Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Gold, Maroon and Black Just post if u like my suggestion thanks to everyone =)
  9. Keep voting :3
  10. hi welcome to twitter :3
  11. Nice Update!
  12. Goodluck for everyone :3
  13. goodluck to all =D
  14. nice update :D
  15. 1. No 2. No 3. No 4. maybe yes :3 im just suggesting
  16. 1373
  17. @ like like like +1
  18. sir how long it will be finish
  19. ok sir thanks
  20. what happen
  21. Skull Aura for all
  22. thx for viewing mine <3

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