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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. i hate all who dont want pvp with me :( is boring in for_fild01
  2. Yes please!!! i full utra Agree xD
  3. Superbaby with ifrit rings FTWWW!!!


  5. Veggie&Mac

    Urgent Issue

    alt+255 alt+0160
  6. Veggie&Mac

    Urgent Issue

    I Agree, but my Main Rule is not borrow my items to anyone, since my boyfriend and i got scammed for "Supposed Friends", as we know the gms cant do anything about "BorrowScammed items". Agree.
  7. what he said.
  8. Please same as ticket convertor npc can you add the option of ratio coin conversion plese? >.< DaniLag<3
  9. i Agree with 1 and 3. i dont care about suggestion 2, strip is mofo!
  10. Ryuk it happened to my Sister She was lvling and put some berrys to survive in fdun, when she go to rebirht with 50% overweight she lose my Fdun not sure why, but got 90% OW and the Fdun pass just dissapear. :D
  11. Please Block the option to rebirth if you are overweight same as decard, coz somethimes this happens and you need a support for that (GM team).
  12. Happy Birthday Nikki ♥
  13. i use 2 str belts, but you can use 1mixa and 1 str belt, depends of your breaker build.
  14. Veggie&Mac

    Fro Client.

    Renewal is not compatible with Fro.
  15. Veggie&Mac

    I Suggest!

    or just make a Speed Forsaken Boots with 1 slot [ Speed Pot effect permanently ] xD
  16. Veggie&Mac


    HOLY POOP! .___. xD
  17. Ken tich me >.<
  18. Veggie&Mac


    OMG i love it n_n
  19. That happened to my syster, she made a Ticket When you reborn your stats just reset and if you are overweighted you can lose many things ... maybe if you make a suggestion like if you are overweight or 50% Ow you shouldnt change job or something like this! try to make a ticket ;)
  20. You can select to view only certain jobs, deleting jobs from the DATA folder, as shown in the picture;) is better ;) DaniCakes♥
  21. Veggie&Mac

    I Suggest!

    maybe a hat with 0,5% chance to get 1 speed potion killing "X" race monster.
  22. Veggie&Mac

    I Suggest!

    Like Speed potions Dungeon Aposan? :O
  23. Veggie&Mac

    I Suggest!

    i have to agree with this suggestion long as it keep the normal price and dont screw up my economy XD
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