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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. i know how to do that, but i want the name of the artist. thanks anyways nines ;)
  2. i love this deep sounds omg i fell in love with it ♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3C8ZfuAcAM >,< Pleaseeee :(
  3. I love it :O
  4. Mew - comforting sounds
  5. Veggie&Mac

    Now I Know

    you dont need green ferus for that. the ring of resonance have that skill.
  6. :thumbsup_still: :laughingsmiley: Make a ticket please.
  7. 5% of chance in a donating dungeon with a time limited ticket ( x Hours ) is not fair, we have a free speed room and get the same number of the item in the same time, we need more % of chance in that case. so 10/15% is fair, speed pots is always in demand, and people demand more and more every day, i dont really care about the economy of speed tickets!!!
  8. Foals - Spanish Sahara http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t7OYGuP2t4
  9. you mean Lady Pasta?
  10. Happy Bday my dear ken, have nice day ^^
  11. Happy Birthday my dear Ken ^^ ♥

  12. Size: Small Medium(demihuman) Large Mace 75 100 100 Knuckle 100 75 50 For asura is better Mace for Tss is better Knuckle Dani ^^
  13. or 2 Tgen 1 desert + incan xD
  14. incan + 2 orc + 1 tgen ftw ;)
  15. FM Belfast - Underwear
  16. Veggie&Mac

    Snap In Woe

    Please make this thread in suggestion, coz is really really annoying and unfair
  17. Hi Miss Aurora ^^ ♥

  18. I love your work Ami :O ♥^^

  19. Metronomy - Radio Ladio
  20. The gms can ban you if you call for they real names for a mistake? .___.
  21. OMG Great Ideaaa ♥ And the suggestion about Novice pvp dodgeball lvl 1/1 pvp? .___. no thanks :D
  22. where are you? :(

  23. El server se caio o no puedo entrar :( damn

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