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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. Somsom i said Block the autocast! no the skill xD
  2. Veggie&Mac

    Steal Skill

    Can you block the "Steal" skill from Stalkers, i mean the austocast, the main reason is you get unwanted items when you are lvling yourself or just killing monster (normal/mvps), and the second damned reason is the spam Skill has failed. So annoying u_u Daniskill has failed ♥
  3. Happy Birthday ;) R e i ;)

  4. No galactic mask 4 u b!sh! >:[ jk xD Well, both are gold, just one is more dark than the other, but the sacred is not my busines for now, just gold valk. All people said, make the gold valk like a real gold trying to match with the cloth, same as the every single item we have. but its ok, its your opinion ;)
  5. Please let me know your opinion about this helm, im trying to make it look more gold, and matching with Gold cloth palette about the sacreds idc xD ;) Mac2011
  6. please implement the @whodrops back
  7. To get high you need this Music

    1. Annie ♥

      Annie ♥

      Pink Floyd, Muuuuuch better. :3

    2. Veggie&Mac


      Led Zeppelin win ;)

    3. Masahiro


      lolol,,,,,,to get high u need pinapples >=D

  8. Inna Vision - Rootzn
  9. Veggie&Mac


    Yes please, any clue where's the new location ( map or something ) of the oaths please? to start finding them AGAIN! Dani♥
  10. Where's my alprazolam??? :'(

  11. We should have like a King Room, a room called "The Event Room or Master Game Room or w/e" with all of those npcs, but we need like a script blocking the chat options in fcity, and vendors skills in for_fild01, we have prontera for all of those vendors. Dani♥ i cant sleep
  12. Veggie&Mac

    Fire Ring

    wow it look nice ;) my boyfriend can help you how to make the spr, im not good making that ._. xD anyways make elemental auroras is really good ideas :O, like +50% resist to fire or something like this :) Dani♥
  13. Say anything - alive with the glory of love
  14. Well my favorite one is Master Yi he is so sxc ^^
  15. im saving for Renekton, Caitling and Lux ♥
  16. im lvl 20 >,< Ragneidur
  17. Vampire Weekend - Cousins (8) ♥

    1. Masahiro


      raises eyebrow..

      Vampiressssss againnn

      u.u Zombies > vampires /gg

    2. Veggie&Mac
  18. Well Nueves, that would be a good excuse for test my build xD for this event you need 1 pala and 1 full breaker = end of the story, sounds such a good event, but dont woth it.
  19. ROFLMAO!!!! this makes me laught so much!!!
  20. if you repatch? ._. i repatched like 1hour ago was a little update, maybe for the description and rucks bugged i dunnu. ♥
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