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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. 2dollars 3cents? xD Bump!
  2. Bought already!!!! <3 Danii!♥
  3. 1380 for emp! in Cash Now!!!
  4. Veggie&Mac


    well, in others servers, you can in the Control panel extract Zenys from any of yours chars!!! Example: Char: Nekasrof01: 50,000 zenys [ send zenys to other char ] Char: Nekasrof02: 1,000,000 zenys [ send zenys to other char ] Actually i remember on this server before we use to have this system, but now just disappear!!!
  5. Veggie&Mac


    Then make 1 million coin for ppl who dont have alot money!!!!
  6. Veggie&Mac


    Actually we need a Bank, but this suggestion was maded long time a go!!! ( about bank) i dont know what happened but is totally necessary!! Agree!!
  7. Good Suggestion, is really Confused see everything Lightblue :S Off Topic Color: Orange For Vending/Buying&Trades: Green Pvp: LightBlue Gms/Woe Breakers: Yellow
  8. :( I got Error with my Local Conection, still inestable for the Earthquacke :(


    Look :(

  9. First one!
  10. Sure ;)
  11. :O ill see how looks with the same colors xD letme see :P
  12. The new one is more brown, the lines are more soft and is not shiny like the old one! Mc :D leave your comment please!
  13. I think 1 person per room, like endless tower, when you break all your emps, you just warp outside and done!! that shit dont take more than 5/10 mins
  14. LOL!!!
  15. :)
  16. would be like ... you buy or get 20 event cuponds and click on a special npc and you get in a emp room, like Safari, you have 3 emps to break...if you wanna break more, just get 20 event cuponds more...( 5/10/15/20 event what ever ) is just an example! XD
  17. Hell yeah Super Baby Class need it ;) :D:D:D
  18. 100% Seeds for_dun01 30% Speed pots for_dun02 yey!!!!
  19. Brown and other colors for the next Valentin Day!
  20. OMG!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBna4n2Ezjc
  21. :D illustration by me!! (Mac)
  22. Just for test!!!! :D :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_still:
  23. + Link + Voke + Tequila + Str food + Serk + .... A Testing Emp Room would be great...
  24. Interesting!!!
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