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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. Pilot Speed - Alright
  2. LOL! Sherylb is Back!!. :blush:
  3. Omg Desi!!! anyways i love your heart aurora "Idea"
  4. Great idea!! its really necessary!!! Agree +10
  5. Hat recolour fail xD But your heart aurora is a really good idea, actually i love ded heart sprite!!! maybe those hearts from Ded sprite, should be your "Heart Emp"
  6. Hi Adrian <3 HowRuDear!

  7. Macaco - Mama Tierra
  8. YuH8M3!! :sad:
  9. The Sounds - 4 Songs & A Fight
  10. Welcome to Fro!!! I Love your Custom npcs!!!
  11. Portishead & Moloko - Fun For Me!
  12. c(n_n c )~º yey!!! Ok...New year..ill try now... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
  13. Happy new Year mah Dears!!! <3
  14. Well the rucksack Template and Illustration is Mine!! i dont know why said "Full credits go to "devotion" for the rucksack" for example with ruckies for Halloween...well... Thanks Charlotte, we loves you ;) <3 n____n
  15. Thanks for your Opinion Emi, i really appreciate it!!! n_n
  16. Hi Guys its me Mac (i forget my password of my account) i made this ruckie please! we need your Opinion Sprite Set. Preview made in photoshop (i dont know if it really looks like this preview) Greetings guys i miss you!!! :P and Daniela I L♥ve Y♥u S♥ Much!!
  17. Actually Mac are working in a new original sprite to forsaken ;) <3 So we make a team recolouring and spriting yey!!! Veggie & Mac Design LOL xD
  18. maybe was a lucky day? .__. not sure .__. :blush:
  19. awww...here my purporing animated by Mac<3
  20. Add a chance of gaining 'Grapes' each time a Plant monster is killed. good idea n__n ♥
  21. Nope, i saw some sinx dispelling like Hell!!! 0,1% my polainas!!:D
  22. Purporing I love it n__n!!! Kittie you are right, coz winged drop looks better with orange!!! <3 yey!!! n___n
  23. Merry Christmas Sir n__n

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